Sunday, October 29, 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.20] - Oct. 29th. 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.20] - Oct. 29th 2017

"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic" H.L. Mencken

 "My first rule- I don't believe anything the government tells me- nothing!- ZERO!" George Carlin

The Opioid "Crisis" Scam:

"...16,651 people died of opioid overdoses in 2010. The Washington Post and 60 Minutes report, according to Rannazzisi, “the opioid crisis was allowed to spread -- aided by Congress, lobbyists, and a drug distribution industry that shipped, almost unchecked, hundreds of millions of pills to rogue pharmacies and pain clinics providing the rocket fuel for a crisis that, over the last two decades, has claimed 200,000 lives.”

That’s 10,000 people a year. Significant, but small potatoes, compared to alcohol. According to the Center for Disease Control, from 2006 to 2010, an average of 88,121 people died each year from alcohol consumption. ........."

"Big Pharma Makes Drugs that Please Regulators, Not Customers":

"...The government has created and overseen the creation of every step in the development of this crisis. The fact that crony capitalists have taken advantage of the situation should not be a surprise, especially when it is the only way to legally participate in the pharmaceuticals "market."

The Cashless Society Scam:

"Threats to Digital Wealth Point to Need for Tangible Backup "

"Recent high-profile cyber security breaches at Equifax and other financial institutions highlight the perils of an all-digital economy. When wealth can be evaporated or expropriated at the stroke of a key, how secure can your finances really be?"

The Federal Reserve Scam [ or, the "Mild Inflation is Good/Necessary" Scam]

"The Latest Innovation in Inflation Targeting "

".......And now, with inflation closing in on 2%, the easy money crowd has done exactly what I expected and trotted out phase II: the new target is to average 2%. In other words since we were below 2% for so long, a rise to 3% or 4% for a while is somehow desirable...."

The  Fake Money Scam:

"Japan: The Land That Forgot Time Forgot"

"....The whole idea is preposterous. What dopey jackass first came up with the idea that you could improve a market economy by feeding it fake money?

Can you make a horse run faster by giving it fake oats?

Can you get more mileage out of your car by diluting the gas with water?......"


The Socialism/Communism/ Collectivism Scam

"The plot to overthrow America—oh, that’s just a fantasy":

"...“Of course, we know that these radical students are not going to take over the government. What they are going to do is provide the excuse for the government to take over the people, by passing more and more repressive laws to ‘keep things under control’.”

“The radicals make a commotion in the streets while the Limousine Liberals at the top in New York and Washington are Socializing us. WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A DICTATORSHIP OF THE ELITE DISGUISED AS A DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT.”

“The poor are merely pawns in the game…only those who understand that the Establishment’s game plan is SOCIALISM understand what is going on before their very eyes.”

Does that excerpt from “None Dare Call It Conspiracy,” written in 1971, sound familiar today? Of course it does. It reflects the same old strategy of pressure applied from both the top and bottom. ..........."

 The Collective Conciousness Scam:

"Collective consciousness: con job for the ages":

"Individual power. Your power............Therefore, it stands to reason that colleges and universities would be teaching courses in INDIVIDUAL POWER. As soon as I write that, though, we all fall down laughing, because we understand the absurdity of such a proposition. Can you imagine Harvard endowing a chair in Individual Power? Students would tear down the building in which such courses were taught. They’ve been carefully instructed that the individual is the greatest living threat to the planet. If you can’t see that as mind control, visit your local optometrist and get a prescription for glasses. So we have this astonishing situation: the very basis of freedom has no reflection in the educational system....."

The Classical Liberal/ Limited Government Scam

[obf sez: I used to be a "classical liberal", or "libertarian, myself.  Now look at me :-) ]

'The Fatal Error of Classical Liberalism"

"The fatal error of classical liberals lies in their failure to realize that their ideal is theoretically impossible, as it contains the seed of its own destruction, precisely to the extent that it includes the necessary existence of a state (even a minimal one), understood as the sole agent of institutional coercion.

Therefore, classical liberals commit their great error in their approach: they view liberalism as a plan of political action and a set of economic principles, the goal of which is to limit the power of the state while accepting its existence and even deeming it necessary. However, today (in the first decade of the 21st century) economic science has already shown:

    that the state is unnecessary;
    that statism (even if minimal) is theoretically impossible; and
    that, given human nature, once the state exists, it is impossible to limit its power.........."

The Missile Defense Scam:

"Mutual Assured Destruction"

".....An Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) travels at 5,000 meters per second. By way of comparison a bullet fired from a rifle travels at about one fifth that speed. Imagine two men with rifles standing a mile apart and firing their weapons in an attempt to have the bullets meet head on. Multiply the speed by five if one is referring to missiles, not bullets. Even using the finest radars and sensors as well as the most advanced guidance technologies, the variables involved make it much more likely that there will be a miss than a hit. Cirincione observes that “…the only way to hit a bullet is if the bullet cooperates.”

Second, the tests carried out by the Pentagon to determine reliability are essentially fraudulent. ..........."

The F.B.I. Scam:

"FBI Releases Docs On Sandy Hook Showing Feds Visited Shooter BEFORE Massacre "

"Lanza was carrying weapons which nearly weighed more than he did. "

".......One such question that arises from our brief combing of the documents is how Lanza, who only weighed 85 lbs, according to the report, was able to carry such heavy weaponry and ammo and shoot with such deadly accuracy...."

"The FBI’s Forgotten Criminal Record"

The War On Terror Scam:

"...Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul weighed in on the situation, and noted that this appears to be one more war the U.S. is fighting without approval from Congress—and it is a war that includes the presence of U.S. troops in 53 out of the 54 nations in Africa.

“Now, when the Pentagon and the administration have had some pressure on them, you know, instead of having 100 people there, they’re admitting we have 6,000 people in Africa, and they even put a number on it. They say ‘we have some military in 53 of the 54 countries in Africa.’ ..." :

"Pentagon Expands ‘Terror War’ To Africa: Where Is Congress?"

The Economic and Investment Predictions Scam:

"The Order of The Financial System Is About To Be Turned Upside Down"

"I'm not a big fan of bonds right now," may seem like an odd way for the so-called Bond King to begin, but in an audience at Vanity Fair's Establishment Summit, DoubleLine's Jeff Gundlach told Bethany McLean, "I haven’t been really [a fan of bonds] for the past four years, even though I manage them, and institutions have to own them for various reasons."

Gundlach urged investors to be “light” on bonds. As Vanity Fair's William Cohan reports, Gundlach admitted “I’m stuck in it,” of his massive bond portfolio, adding that interest rates have bottomed out and been rising gradually for the past six years......"

"A Cynic’s Guide to Crypto Investing":  "........don’t put money into cryptocurrencies unless you either: (a) know what you’re getting into or (b) are willing to say goodbye to it. Preferably both… "

Obf sez " Do Not"Invest"In Bitcoin! [Or:How to Safely Profit With Bitcoin Etc.] "

The Ronald Reagan Scam

"The Legacy of Reagan’s Civilian ‘Psyops’"

The Marriage License Scam:

"Getting the State Out of Marriage"

The DEA/War On Some Drugs Scam:

"Landmark Study Shows Psychedelics Far More Effective at Reducing Crime Than Police"

"......pioneering clinical trials found that magic mushrooms heal mental illness like a “surgical intervention.” Advanced cancer patients have “experienced immediate and dramatic reductions in anxiety and depression, improvements that were sustained for at least six months.” Psychedelics can treat addiction, ADHD and PTSD, and can replace years of depression therapy. Alongside medical cannabis, psychedelics can arguably solve the opioid epidemic. Now, research is showing the positive effects of psychedelic use on social dynamics—by reducing criminal behavior. Researchers surveyed 480,000 people to produce some eye-opening results........"

The Technocracy Scam:

"The Dream of Technocracy - Why Big Oil Conquered The World":

The Elon Musk/ Electric Car Scam

"Why Won’t They Send me a Tesla to Test Drive?"

My Music/Songs:

[obf disclaimer: links to any other authors articles or videos are not necessarily  full endorsements of all of the views/positions of the individuals or organizations concerned .]

[obf sez: if you do not understand exactly why I call any of the listed scams here "scams", then perhaps we need to talk.

Regards, onebornfree


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.19] - Oct. 22nd, 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.1] - Oct. 22nd, 2017

[obf disclaimer: links to any other authors articles or videos are not necessarily  full endorsements of all of the views/positions of the individuals or organizations concerned .]

[obf sez: if you do not understand exactly why I call any of the listed scams here "scams", then perhaps we need to talk.

"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic"  H.L. Mencken

 "My first rule- I don't believe anything the government tells me- nothing!- ZERO!" George Carlin


The "Green" Revolution /Environmental Movement Scam:

[obf sez: if there's only one video here you have time to look at, make it this one. It exposes how the so-called "green revolution"/ environmental movement was in fact first dreamed up, and is now wholly controlled by, the very same people/organizations  that the movement purports to be against {i.e. "big oil"}, and that in the final analysis it has nothing to do with "saving the planet", or even money, but is  instead about ultimate control of the entire world population; numbers, genetics, energy usage, jobs, offspring etc. etc. , by the "oiligarchs"] . A "must see" James Corbett video] :

The "Big Oil" Scam:

[obf sez: A very ugly story. Learn how/why big oil engineered WW1, U.S. alcohol prohibition, the US "education" system,  medical "education", "big pharma"  etc. This is part 1 of  a 2 part documentary, part 1 of which is "Why Big Oil Conquered the World"[ above} :

"How Big Oil Conquered the World"

The Paul Krugman/Federal Reserve Scam:

".....The real problem, however, is that Krugman also manages to endorse unsound and inflationary economic policies as a “solution” to what he calls “Trumpism.”......":

"Krugman and the "Heroic" Fed "

The Gross Domestic Product[ GDP] Scam:

"GDP Is a Tool of Politics, Not Economics "

"...........national income, from its inception, was created and defined with political motives; that is to serve an interventionist, Keynesian ideology. Since the definition of ‘national income’ is defined by economists, what constituted ‘income,’ ‘output,’ etc., were determined based on the intellectual climate of the time along with the political and military needs of the moment ............."


The Hitler Scam:

"Who Funded Hitler? ":

"Bring Out The Gimp: Everybody Loves Hitler"


The I.S.I.S. Scam:

"....The much-dreaded IS was never more than a bunch of young hooligans and religious fanatics who were as militarily effective as the medieval Children’s Crusade.

In the west, IS was blown up by media and governments into a giant monster that was coming to cut the throats of honest folk in the suburbs...."

The "Dubya" Scam

"....If Bush had never been president, it would be easier to understand the adulation. But Bush was one of the most disastrous, authoritarian presidents in modern American history. Bush committed more abuses of power than could be recounted in anything less than a book...."


The Constitution/Bill of Rights Scam:

'Does Individual Sovereignty Pre-empt Abusive Government?"

"...They don’t play by any rules. But they force you to follow them. Some governments do this by blunt force. Other governments do it by controlling the media narrative. Still, others twist the law to fit their purposes and appear legitimate. Most use a combination of tactics to keep people compliant.

In America, governments and corporations like to pretend there is some sort of objective law. They spend time in legislatures and courts determining what will pass as legal and what will not. But it is basically just a silly dance. They are trying different combinations to unlock the “do whatever the hell they want” box......"

The YouTube/Google  Scam:

The "Official" Story Will Be the ONLY Story We Get to Hear "
The "Homo Economicus" Scam

"Mises Killed Homo Economicus Long before Thaler"

"The Atlantic magazine shouts the headline. “Richard Thaler wins the Nobel Prize in Economics for killing Homo Economicus.” For sure, the father of behavioral economics has done some good stuff. However, he didn’t kill Homo Economicus, Ludwig von Mises did."

The Las Vegas Massacre Scam:

"Ole Dammegard | The Vegas Shooting: Inconsistencies & Strange Symbolism ":

"Woman, 34, who survived Las Vegas massacre sent SAME message to her fiance two years ago when terrorists opened fire at her San Bernardino workplace"

"North Carolina man has survived 9/11 and Las Vegas shooting":

"Media Silent As Government Uses Vegas Shooting to Push Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches":

"Vegas security guard cancels interviews, goes missing; concert witness escapes shooting uninjured, then found dead at home"

The Crisis Actor Scam[s]:

"911 ACTORS "

CNN Crisis Actor Caught Red Handed 4 Times In A Row!!!

The Donald Trump "Make America Great Again "Scam:

"Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years"

My Music: "The Thrill is Gone "-Noir Hip Hop Blues - by Fake Eye-D

Regards, onebornfree.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.18] - Oct. 15th, 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.18] - Oct. 15th, 2017

[obf disclaimer: links to any other authors articles or videos are not necessarily  full endorsements of all of the views/positions of the individuals or organizations concerned .]

[obf sez: if you do not understand exactly why I call any of the listed scams here "scams", then perhaps we need to talk.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." 
H.L. Mencken

 "My first rule- I don't believe anything the government tells me- nothing!- ZERO!" George Carlin

The 9/11 Scam:

Can an aluminum, plastic- nosed plane fly through solid steel and concrete at the same speed as through air?

[ obf sez: N.B. : the above frame by frame video analyses are of 2 "amateur" 9/11 videos that were originally aired on US TV on 9/11 and 9/12, but which are, however, not what I have chosen to call "original class 1" 9/11 imagery, but are in fact what I call"class 2"  9/11 imagery. To understand the important difference between class 1 and class 2  9/11 imagery, please see here. ]

The Google Scam: "So You’ve Decided To Boycott Google…":
The Renewable Energy Scam:

"The greatest scam being perpetrated against taxpayers and consumers is renewable energy, according to a new analysis published by the Australian, greater even than Ponzi, Madoff and Enron....."

The Hedge Fund Scam:

".....After big showings in 2008 and 2010, Bridgewater has lately performed no better than the typical struggling hedge fund. According to The New York Times, Dalio’s Pure Alpha strategies (hedge funds of one kind or another) were up by 4.7% in 2015 and 2.4% in 2016, while All Weather (deployer of the socalled risk-parity technique, of which more below) was down by 6.9% in 2015 and up by 12.8% in 2016. For comparison, the S&P 500, with dividends reinvested, delivered 1.4% in 2015 and 12% in 2016. Nor were the first eight months of 2017 any kinder to Bridgewater’s clients. According to a Sept. 7 article in Institutional Investor’s Alpha, the Pure Alpha strategies were down by 1.3%–2.4% in the year through August while All Weather was up by 8.5%. The humble S&P 500 delivered 11.3% over the same stretch...."

The Consumer Price Index [CPI] Scam:

The BREXIT Scam:

The Las Vegas Massacre Scam:

"Vegas Crisis Actor was on Dr. Phil : Vegas shooting":

"Vegas Cops Change Their Story: Paddock Shot Security Guard BEFORE Mass Shooting:

"....Bump stocks aren’t accurate. And if Paddock had even superficial knowledge of weapons, he would know that..........." "Vegas shooter: the “bump stock” revelation contradicts the official scenario—Oops" :

The C.I.A. Scam:

5 People You Won’t Believe Worked For the CIA [ e.g Julia Childs, Ken Kesey, Robert Rauschenburg, :

"Horrific New Revelations On CIA Torture":

The Electric Car Scam:

"......Several countries are making proclamations that state all new cars shall be electric by a certain date.  Who decided on electric cars?.... "     "Coal Fueled Teslas":

"...Even if consumers decide to try an electric at twice the rate they are buying them today, it will still barely represent 1.5% of total sales. ..."    "Stop the Electric Car Insanity"

The Big Pharma/A.M.A/ F.D.A.  Monopoly Scam:

"...If you’re looking for evidence that institutionalized American medicine doesn’t care about killing people, here it is.

".....The Starfield study, “Is US health really the best in the world?”, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, came to the following conclusions:

Every year in the US there are:

* 12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;

* 7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;

* 20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;

* 80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals;

* 106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.

The total of medically-caused deaths in the US every year is 225,000.

That’s 2.25 MILLION deaths per decade.

The Cashless Society Scam:

".....Overall, though, going cashless makes an economy more fragile, and makes ordinary people sitting ducks whenever there is a natural disaster, or even worse disruptions such as wars."

The Federal Reserve Scam:

"...Neither Republicans nor Democrats will show any interest in fiscal restraint; deficit spending will increase; the Deep State wants it.

The Fed won’t force restraint; instead, it will facilitate more deficit spending; the Deep State needs it.

This train is going to be running wide open until it flies off the rails; the Deep State deserves it........"

"Will the Fed Stab Investors in the Back?"

The Tax Cut Scam:

"....depending on what income levels are assigned to what tax brackets, the plan could increase taxes on many middle- and lower-income Americans! This is largely due to the framework’s elimination of most tax deductions.

The framework also contains a stealth tax increase imposed via the chained consumer price index (chained CPI). Supporters of chained CPI clam the government is currently overstating inflation. The truth is exactly the opposite: government statistics are manipulated to understate inflation..........":

"Will Tax Reform Increase or Limit Liberty?"

The "Government is Necessary" Scam:

"..In effect, our leadership leads by lying. As we know, when it gets serious, you have to lie to preserve the perquisites and power of those atop the wealth-power pyramid, and well, it’s serious all the time now, so lies are the default setting of the entire status quo.

But all too many of us are willing to accept the lies because they’re what we want to hear.

As any competent con-man knows, you can only con those who want to be conned. You can only scam the marks who want to believe that what’s obviously too good to be true is in fact true....":

"The Consent of the Conned "


The Eugenics / Population Control Scam:

Or "How to improve the world, Rockefeller style".

Proponents of mass sterilization and murder, via eugenics  : Rockefeller, John Maynard Keynes, George Bernard Shaw etc. 

And, surprise, surprise, that leads directly to the eugenics policies of Hitler's 3rd Reich [i.e. via _direct_Rockefeller funding] .  And so it goes......

A "must see" James Corbett video:

"Why Big Oil Conquered The World":


George Carlin" "My first rule- I don't believe anything the government tells me- nothing!- ZERO!"

Music: "Hell 2 Pay"- Fake-Eye D @ Molly McPhersons 100317: 

Other onebornfree blog sites:

Regards, onebornfree

Other onebornfree blog sites:

Regards, onebornfree

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.17] - Oct. 8th, 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.17] - Oct. 8th, 2017
[obf disclaimer: links to any other authors articles or videos are not necessarily  full endorsements of all of the views/positions of the individuals or organizations concerned .]

[obf sez: if you do not understand exactly why I call any of the listed scams here "scams", then perhaps we need to talk: onebornfreeatyahoodotcom]

"The art of government is the exclusive possession of quacks and frauds. It has been so since the early days, and it will probably remain so until the end of time." H.L. Mencken

The Las Vegas Massacre Scam:

[obf comment: Maybe I'm crazy, but for myself, and others with similarly "warped" minds, one of the biggest clues to false/staged events is the persistent occurrence of numerology in the official post- event accounts. In this case, we now have the by now "classic" re-invocation of the presumably mandatory "holy" numbers, 9, and 11 :-) . And so it goes.....] :

"Las Vegas shooting: Gunman fired for 9 to 11 minutes, police say"

As Simon Shack says: "Ah well, the uncertainty must be due to the lack of any sort of CCTV security camera in the area which recorded the entire event...(and none of the "22,000" concert goers taped it either). Therefore, the pòlice has no way of knowing whether it lasted for only 9 minutes ... or for as long as 11 minutes. Of course. Silly me. I must be a whacky conspiracy theorist. ...and it gets sillier still : in that FOX NEWS article, we can read":

"The first call reporting shots fired came at 10:08 p.m. Sunday, and the gunfire didn’t stop until at 10:19 p.m., Clark County Undersheriff Kevin McMahill said. The shooting went off and on for nine to 11 minutes, he said."

"Needless to say : 10:08 > 1+0+0+8 = 9 . 10:19 > 1+0+1+9 = 11"

"And to top it off... "A total of 47 guns have been recovered from three locations: Paddock’s hotel room and his two Nevada homes in Verdi and Mesquite."  

  " 4+ 7 = 11 "

"Vegas Shooter Fired Shots On and Off For.. "9 to 11 Minutes"..OH THAT'S A GOOD ONE"'

obf sez: 
'ere we frickin' go, this is what it's really all about:"After Vegas Get Ready for “USA Liberty” Act" 

[" are so many theories, in fact, that YouTube has now tweaked its algorithm to protect you from questioning the official narrative, while regurgitating the mainstream media as an “authoritative source,”]"Las Vegas Shooting: A Cryptic Note, Impossible Planted Rifle And Swipe Of A Key Card That Doesn’t Add Up" 

"More than one Vegas shooter; evidence builds"

"Las Vegas as San Bernardino II: Ballistics Evidence Is the Key"

The War On [Some] Drugs Scam:

"DEA Agents Sold Opioids, Stole Cash, and Falsely Identified Drug Suspects":
"Seize the drugs. Sell the drugs. Arrest the buyers. Repeat."

The Trump "Make America Great Again " Scam:

"Trump’s Tax Plan Is a Fraud"
"......The real miracle of the GOP-Trump tax plan was that anyone took it seriously, even for 48 hours. Everything about it was either fraudulent or contradictory… usually both......"

The Karl Marx/Mao Tse Tung/Communism Scam:

"Prepare yourself for a fantastical Karl Marx quote.

It’s the sort of statement a young person in college might find inspiring, if he had the ability to read it and understand it.

An increasing number of young college students want to believe in a better, more attractive future, in which little or no work will be required of them.

They’ll be provided a “free life.” Housing, food, clothing, an array of consumer items.

They want something resembling college life forever. .....":
"The Delusional Karl Marx"

"100 Years of Communist Disaster"

"The Price of Idiocy"

Music: "Hell 2 Pay"- Fake-Eye D @ Molly McPhersons 100317: 

Other onebornfree blog sites:
Onebornfree's Financial Safety Reports  
Onebornfree's 9/11 Research Review 
The Problem Solver [personal freedom consulting services]

Regards, onebornfree

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.16] - Oct.1st, 2017

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts [no.16] - Oct.1st, 2017

[obf disclaimer: links to any other authors articles or videos are not necessarily  full endorsements of all   of the views/positions of the individuals or organizations concerned .]

[obf sez: if you do not understand exactly why I call any of the listed scams here "scams", then perhaps we need to talk: onebornfreeatyahoodotcom]

Trump's "Make America Great Again" Scam:

"JFK, Trump, and Camelot"

The "Sexism" Scam:

"Are Markets Sexist?"

The 9/11 Scam:

"The 9/11 "Truth Movement" Versus Simple, Common Sense Logic "[updated : 093017]

The Global Warming Scam:

"Inconvenient? Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth In September"

The Constitution/Bill of Rights Scam:

"A Constitutional Anniversary to Forget"

The Tax Cut/Reform Scam:

"Don't Fall for Tax Reform"

The Scandinavian Socialism Scam:

 "The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism"

The Mahatma Gandhi Scam:

The Ongoing "False Flag"Terror Attacks Scam:

[obf sez: an excellent overview of the standard fake terror "template", demonstrating the common signs within a claimed terror event which always indicate a faked event, or a "false flag", or whatever you wish to call it.]

"Ole Dammegård - “Terror” – are you kidding me? "
The Che Guevara Scam:
"The Truth About Che Guevara"
The "Science/Medicine/Doctor Scam:

"....Yes, there is a doctor. Yes, there is such a thing as physical illness. Yes, the doctor is delivering a diagnosis and calling it a condition. But these factors are not in the mind, unless the physical doctor can squeeze himself into the patient’s head. In the mind, there are symbols of these elements—and that is what the patient is dealing with, for better or for worse. And over the long-term, for most patients, it’s worse."

"The hypnotic symbols of modern medicine"

The Spanish- American War Scam:

"The Truth About the Spanish-American War"

The "Price-Gouging" is Wrong Scam:

"There's Nothing Moral about Opposing "Price-Gouging"

The Hilary Clinton /Antifa Scam:

"Hillary Clinton Moved 800K From Her Campaign To Help Fund ANTIFA"

The New, "Safe" Auto Tire Scam:
"Tire Tyranny"

The [Old/New] North Korean War Scam

"Exploding the Korean War Lies"

"Unknown to Most Americans, the US ‘Totally Destroyed’ North Korea Once Before"

"....In its Korean War bombing campaign, the US ‘burned down every town in North Korea’..."

The Ken Burns Vietnam War Documentary Scam:

".........I watched the first episode in New York. It leaves you in no doubt of its intentions right from the start. The narrator says the war “was begun in good faith by decent people out of fateful misunderstandings, American overconfidence and Cold War misunderstandings”.

The dishonesty of this statement is not surprising. The cynical fabrication of “false flags” that led to the invasion of Vietnam is a matter of record – the Gulf of Tonkin “incident” in 1964, which Burns promotes as true, was just one. ....."

"The Killing of History"

The World War 1 /Woodrow Wilson Scam:

"This year is the 100th anniversary of Woodrow Wilson’s pulling America into World War I..."

"How World War I Still Haunts America"

"The Truth About World War I: The Hidden History"

The Flu Vaccine Scam:

"Time For A Flu Vaccine? Fugetaboutit!"

Humor: "How to Choose a GURU":
