Sunday, August 26, 2018

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No. 63 - Aug. 26th. 2018

"Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt  criminal scams, which cannot be "reformed","improved", nor "limited" in scope, simply because of their innate criminal nature. Government simply does not, will not, has not and cannot, work."  onebornfree

"Government doesn't work"  Harry Browne 

"Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class."      Albert J. Nock

"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic" H.L.Mencken

"My first rule- I don't believe anything the government tells me- nothing!- ZERO!" George Carlin

obf disclaimer: inclusion of, and links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of _any_ of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email:  onebornfree at yahoo dot com
The Google/ Facebook /Twitter "Free Speech" Scam:

"..Representatives from America’s tech giants are meeting in private to discuss strategies for countering “information operations” ahead of the midterm elections. The meeting comes amid growing concern over social media censorship.

The secret meeting, which will take place on Friday at Twitter’s headquarters in downtown San Francisco, will focus on “information operations, election protection, and the work we are all doing to tackle these challenges,”....":

Report Reveals Social Media Giants Holding Secret Meeting to Discuss Upcoming Elections

"...In other words, social media aren’t banning and censoring “conservatives/libertarians” merely as a favor to their kissing cousins who run major news outlets—no, this goes much deeper.

This is the intelligence and Pentagon communities, with their attendant neo-cons and military contractors, defending their version of the “new world.”

Anyone with a large online audience, who has strong opinions which resist and run counter to this new world vision, is considered an obstacle, and a target for censorship.

The intelligence/Pentagon vision? Endless wars; endless waves of migration engendering chaos; multinational corporations free to roam the planet, set up shop in hellholes, produce their goods for relative pennies, sell those goods anywhere with no tariffs, thus undermining local economies and centralizing economic power in fewer hands; the vast expansion of surveillance and censorship (which go hand in hand); widening poverty, which makes more and more people dependent on government…

Social media censorship isn’t merely a bunch of knee-jerk liberals trying to stop ideas they don’t like. It is that, but it’s much, much, much more.

Google and Facebook are nurtured creatures of the national security state...":

Social media censorship—here are the deep basics

Who’s Behind the Tsunami of Social Media and Blog Censorship?

The Las Vegas Massacre Scam:

"Las Vegas, NV — A bombshell revelation in regard to the massacre that took place last October in Las Vegas has surfaced this week, suggesting that Stephan Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley could’ve been an FBI asset. According to a credit application, as reported by True Pundit, Danley listed the FBI as an employer.

This is the same Danley whose fingerprints were found on the ammunition used to murder 58 people on 1 October. The same Danley who admitted to law enforcement that she helped Paddock load the magazines Paddock would use that fateful night.

This is the same Danley who was reportedly visiting family in the Philippines at the time, and set her Facebook account to private at 12:38 a.m. and then deleted it entirely at 2:46 a.m.—nearly one hour before Paddock’s name was publicly released as the suspect in the shooting. ...":

Feds Scramble as Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Reportedly Listed FBI as Place of Employment

The Trump Trade Sanctions Scam:

".....sanctions do far worse than prevent constructive dialogue and efforts to settle major differences of policy and interest between great nations. When they are seen as an existential threat to the very existence of that nation, they drive the targeted country’s government to consider all-out war.............If the new, supposedly “super” sanctions to be imposed this November do threaten to plunge the Russian people back into that awful time of nightmare, they will therefore be seen as an existential threat to national survival.

If that happens, the clueless poseurs and policymaking clowns in Washington will risk setting off a terminal catastrophe for their own people and the entire world."

One Minute To Midnight: Latest US Sanctions Propel Nations Towards Risk Of War

"The best way to think about the role of sanctions in American foreign policy is to regard it as an addiction.

Think about it. The inability to change the behavior of even the most rinky-dink nations must be enormously frustrating to those at the helm of the world’s lone superpower. This leads, not surprisingly, to the search for ways to assuage this sense of failure and reassure Americans of their perpetual global dominance. Sanctions fit the bill perfectly. First, because they can be sold as an alternative to war. Opponents of sanctions can thus be portrayed as either warmongers or pacifists, depending on their political profile. Second, since no meaningful measures of success or failure are ever discussed, success is entirely in the eye of the beholder. .....":   America is Addicted to Sanctions

The "Left" Versus "Right" Scam:

"The greatest tool at the disposal of globalists is the use of false paradigms to manipulate public perception and thus public action. The masses are led to believe that at the highest levels of geopolitical and financial power there is such a thing as “sides.” This is utter nonsense when we examine the facts at hand.

We are told the-powers-that-be are divided by “Left” and “Right” politics, yet both sides actually support the same exact policy actions when it comes to the most important issues of the day and only seem to differ in terms of rhetoric, which is meaningless and cosmetic anyway. That is to say, it’s nothing but Kabuki theater.

We are told that corporate power must be balanced by government power and that government power must be balanced by “free markets,” when in reality corporations are chartered and protected by governments and free markets simply don’t exist in today’s economy. In the case of social media “censorship,” we are told that the solution is to use government power to enforce “fairness” instead of simply launching our own alternative platforms. Yet, social media corporations exist in the form of monopolies exactly because of government power and intervention in business. The abuses of one “side” are being used to push us into the arms of the other side, which is just as abusive....":

In The New “Multipolar World” The Globalists Still Control All The Players

The Fake News Scam:

"....The news industry parrots scripted narratives and talking points that are written for them by corporate, financial and political interests. This massive public relations and propaganda effort targets the intelligence, common sense and emotional stability of the body politic. It’s part of the endgame of order out of chaos.

Once you wake up to this game, though, it’s easy to see the framework in which they operate, and when you do, the talking heads and recycled government experts are a joke, albeit a dangerous one. Their tactics become more and more obvious, .....":   The 10 Primary Directives of Mainstream Media

The Trilateral Commission Scam:

"Who is in charge of destroying borders and separate nations?

One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since 1973. It’s called the Trilateral Commission (TC).

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski. ......":    The secret circle that controls governments

The Medicare/Socialized Medicine Scam:

"...Government is not the solution to healthcare. It is the problem. Medicare for All will only increase the size of government, make inefficiency inevitable, and ruin what little quality and innovation remain within American healthcare. Jacobin is wrong; Medicare for All, or more government in general, is not the solution to the current mess...":

Sorry, "Medicare for All" Won't Save the Taxpayers Money

The Economic and Investment Advisor Predictions Scam:

[obf sez: More 2018-19  predictions from one of the 100's of 1000's [millions?] of financial/investment "experts"who claim to "know" the economic future  for certain:-) ]:

"Regular readers of Gold Goats ‘n Guns know that I’ve been handicapping a major sovereign debt default to begin here in 2018 or early 2019. But, what do I mean by that?..........There are a staggering number of factors that feed into this thesis but, for me, to keep it simple it comes down to five important trends coming to a head at the same time.  I call them the Five Pillars...............": 

obf sez: bottom line: {the world's best kept investment secret}:  future economic events cannot be reliably and consistently predicted by anyone, by any chart, by any economist or by any "investment advisor", including your own favorite, whoever it might be, dear reader.  The good news is that to safeguard your own savings against the ravages of an entirely unknowable economic future, it is not even necessary to have to be able to predict future economic events, or to have to rely on the predictions of economists, financial advisors, money managers, tea-leaf readers, or whomever. For my incredible, life-changing, FREE financial advice, please see:

The Operation Northwoods Scam:

[obf sez:  For those who still cling to the official 9/11 story and believe that it was/is impossible for their government to have planned an "inside job", the bare facts of the US government's now declassified, never implemented, 1962 Operation Northwoods scheme, complete with its fake planes, fake passengers, fake deaths/ funerals, plus deliberate murder of US citizens, might get them to reconsider their own position vis a vis the claimed events of 9/11.]

The 9/11 Scam:

"In your dreams, 9/11 was not a scam... " Fake-Eye "D" 

[obf sezpresenting the single greatest, most detailed, most reality/world changing/life-changing examination of the the 100% fraudulent original US MSM "live" broadcasts of the morning of Sept. 11th. 2001, Simon Shack's incredible "September Clues", the only 9/11 analysis that explains all of the glaring contradictions to be seen in nearly every other "alternative" 9/11 "conspiracy theory" video out there, in my opinion. Heck, just the screenshot image below, which reveals that all 5 US MSM networks on 9/11 lined up to impossibly, and  simultaneously shoot from the exact same camera angle on the morning of 9/11, should be more than enough to convince any truly rational thinker that the MSM's alleged live 9/11 footage was in fact entirely bogus!] :

My Music:

My Youtube music channel

About onebornfree [obf]:

Onebornfree is:

"The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty — and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies." H.L. Mencken

obf disclaimer: links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email:  onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No. 62 - Aug. 19th. 2018

"Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt  criminal scams, which cannot be "reformed","improved", nor "limited" in scope, simply because of their innate criminal nature. Government simply does not, will not, has not and cannot, work."  onebornfree

"Government doesn't work"  Harry Browne 

"Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class."      Albert J. Nock

"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic" H.L.Mencken

"My first rule- I don't believe anything the government tells me- nothing!- ZERO!" George Carlin

obf disclaimer: inclusion of, and links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of _any_ of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email:  onebornfree at yahoo dot com
The Alex Jones Internet Ban Scam:

".......The very powerful folks accustomed to manipulating and shaping the world via narrative creation aren’t terrified about what Alex Jones says, they’re terrified that it’s popular. The establishment “elites” are in such denial about the consequences of the world they created, all they can do is spastically attack symptoms. Trump didn’t divide U.S. society and Alex Jones didn’t cause our widespread (and entirely justifiably) distrust in institutions; the status quo system did that via its spectacular failures. Trump’s election and Alex Jones’ popularity are merely symptoms of an incredibly corrupt and failed status quo paradigm, the stewards of which continually refuse to take a look in the mirror, accept blame and reform.......":

Censorship Is What Happens When Powerful People Get Scared

The "Asgardia Space Kingdom" Scam:

[obf sez: Technocracy in space- oooh! what fun!]

The Artificial Intelligence [A.I.] /"Singularity" Scam:

"Futurists are inclined to predict a world in which AI (artificial intelligence) will take over a major portion of what is now human activity.

In a matter of decades, for example, they say one computer will have more capacity than all the human brains on the planet put together.

Then, the prediction goes, AI will be virtually human, or more than human.

However, just because AI has greater computational skills than any person or group of persons, where is the quality that makes it human?

In order to answer that, you have to perform a little trick. You have to downgrade your assessment of humans. You have to say that humans are really only high-class machines. ...":

The YouTube / Global Warming Scam:

"YouTube is now adding “fact checks” to videos that question the man-made global warming scare narrative. These “fact checks” are a propaganda tool to force mental compliance to authoritarian belief systems. One of the belief systems they want to convince the public of is that the world is burning up and in need of saving (through global taxation, weather manipulation, and central economic planning.).....": 

The New, Firefox / Mozilla Internet Browser Scam:

"....Remember the day you found out Google was steeped in pure evil? So you sought out a different browser to escape the evil overlords that run Chrome.

Many of us sought out Firefox from Mozilla, an organization with a strong history supporting free speech and open access to information.

But now Mozilla has joined the dark side. They’re jumping in bed with pure evil, pushing an “Information Trust Initiative” that would block independent media sources at the browser level while favoring corporate media giants like CNN, a cesspool of deliberately fake news.

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. ............":

The Adobe "Voco" Voice Manipulation Scam:

The "Globalism" Scam:

"These words—Socialism and Globalism—are a mystery to most people. What do they mean? Why do they matter?

They matter because, behind the mask, they indicate massive centralized power at the top of the food chain. They aren’t “movements on behalf of the people.” They aren’t “humanitarian solutions to our problems.”

The massive power I refer to consists of governments, mega-corporations, banks, foundations, and technocrats working together, colluding, cooperating, planning a future of control over the world population........":

The Food and Drug [F.D.A.] Scam:

"......So here we have a “drug” intended to help Americans of African descent, but because it has been approved by the FDA, now costs more than $500 per week. Normally “drugs” benefit from two government monopoly grants: first a patent and then FDA approval. That ensures no competition and the ability to charge more than would be the case without a government-restricted market.....":

Economics: The "Deflation Is Bad" Scam:

"...given the monetary conditions now prevailing, the greater threat by far is inflation, not deflation. And contrary to what the investment “experts,” the politicians, and the mainstream economists believe, inflation is not a benign element in the economy’s operation. It is, as it has always been, the most dangerous and destructive form of taxation."

The Government Education Scam:

"Typically, when Americans hear someone say that the education system in the United States “runs on lies,” they would expect the statement to come from a disgruntled parent or student—but now it is coming from the former Secretary of Education, as he admits that the U.S. lies to families on a daily basis by promising them a quality education through public schools......":

The "There's a Government Solution To The Problem" Scam:

"Government creates a problem. Government becomes more authoritarian to solve that problem. This creates more problems. Government becomes even more authoritarian...
This is basically the story of the war on drugs, the oppression of teens, the wars in the middle east, every bubble, burst, and bailout, ad infinitum.

Where the government intervenes, you can be sure that bigger problems will spring forth.

Like the Hydra of Greek Mythology, two more serpent heads sprout each time one is severed.............":

The Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace Scam:

The "Democratic Socialism"/Communism/Collectivism/Fascism Scams : 

"...The demand for utter conformity is something that neither Sanders nor his inarticulate acolyte Ocasio-Cortez can explain away. In order to create their utopias, they ultimately would have to respond to the normal resistance that comes when authorities are heavy-handed and when they try to expropriate one’s property to use it for political purposes. The government response almost always is the same: gratuitous violence. Once upon a time, Sanders understood the “need” for violence and even murder in the creation of the socialist state, and he tacitly approved it. Today, he and Ocasio-Cortez pretend that they peacefully can create that happy utopia where everyone is happy, and there is a coffee shop on every corner."

"In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller.

Over the years, several million copies have been sold.

Allen’s thesis was stark: super-rich American capitalists were financing socialism. This bizarre paradox was resolved when socialism was properly understood—not as “power to the people”—but as elite power over the people. In other words, as a hoax.

These days, the socialist hoax is still unknown to most of the population........":

"The debate on socialism has surfaced yet again with the recent congressional primary election victory of 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, to New York’s 14th Congressional District. Socialism is often held in contempt over its many failures, yet it still maintains support from young and old minds for being “great in theory, but not in practice.” This old quip is represented by the generations of thinkers that have tried to improve the economic system, but it ignores the undeniable truth: that socialism, in all of its manifestations, is untenable both in theory and in practice......":

Want a Socialist Society? First, Abandon Your Hopes and Dreams

"...Socialism is:

The taking of money (taxes) from some people who work for it and giving it to others who don’t work for it. On a grand scale.

The vast expansion of freebies doled out by central government. In order to create and sustain dependence.

The government protection of favored persons and corporations, permitting them and aiding them to expand their fortunes without limit, regardless of what crimes they commit in the process. ......":

The Socialized Medicine Scam:

"........Your doctor and nurse, no matter how nice today, will become the bureaucracy. They will see you in terms of state rules and regulations. They will push you out into the cold rather than risk having you die on site — and them having to suffer the consequences of a bad report to the central authorities.

Of course, your beloved healthcare professionals will not change overnight from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. No, they will slowly change as the cloud of socialized medicine and accompanying bureaucracy incessantly rots their souls (as it rots our souls as well). It will happen — it has to.....":

The Operation Northwoods Scam:

[obf sez:  For those who still cling to the official 9/11 story and believe that it was/is impossible for their government to have planned an "inside job", the bare facts of the US government's now declassified, never implemented, 1962 Operation Northwoods scheme, complete with its fake planes, fake passengers, fake deaths/ funerals, plus deliberate murder of US citizens, might get them to reconsider their own position vis a vis the claimed events of 9/11.]

The 9/11 Scam:

"In your dreams, 9/11 was not a scam... " Fake-Eye "D" 

[obf sezpresenting the single greatest, most detailed, most reality/world changing/life-changing examination of the the 100% fraudulent original US MSM "live" broadcasts of the morning of Sept. 11th. 2001, Simon Shack's incredible "September Clues", the only 9/11 analysis that explains all of the glaring contradictions to be seen in nearly every other "alternative" 9/11 "conspiracy theory" video out there, in my opinion. Heck, just the screenshot image below, which reveals that all 5 US MSM networks on 9/11 lined up to impossibly, and  simultaneously shoot from the exact same camera angle on the morning of 9/11, should be more than enough to convince any truly rational thinker that the MSM's alleged live 9/11 footage was in fact entirely bogus!] :

My Music:

About onebornfree [obf]:

Onebornfree is:

"The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty — and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies." 

obf disclaimer: links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email:  onebornfree at yahoo dot com