"Government doesn't work" Harry Browne
"Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class." Albert J. Nock
"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic" H.L.Mencken
"My first rule- I don't believe anything the government tells me- nothing!- ZERO!" George Carlin
obf disclaimer: inclusion of, and links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of _any_ of the individuals or organizations concerned!
obf disclaimer: inclusion of, and links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of _any_ of the individuals or organizations concerned!
Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com
The Internet Scam:
[obf sez: I've never been much of a David Icke fan, but this new video pretty much "hits the nail on the head" with regards to the latest internet censorship move, which Icke apparently predicted in a book back in 1994. Well worth a look. ]
The Internet Scam:
[obf sez: I've never been much of a David Icke fan, but this new video pretty much "hits the nail on the head" with regards to the latest internet censorship move, which Icke apparently predicted in a book back in 1994. Well worth a look. ]
The Communism/ Collectivism/Socialism/Fascism Scams:
“The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” Hegel
“Why are the super-rich for socialism? Don't they have the most to lose? I take a look at my bank account and compare it with Nelson Rockefeller's and it seems funny that I'm against socialism and he's out promoting it." Or is it funny? In reality, there is a vast difference between what the promoters define as socialism and what it is in actual practice. The idea that socialism is a share-the-wealth program is strictly a confidence game to get the people to surrender their freedom to an all-powerful collectivist government. While the Insiders tell us we are building a paradise on earth, we are actually constructing a jail for ourselves.”
Food For Thought:"Don't Be A"Non-Player Character"[NPC]:
Are you an "NPC"? " An NPC can never re-write/change its own rules."
The Artificial Intelligence [A.I.] Scam:
"Automation seems to be a never-ending source of fear-mongering. Judging from the commentary, robots will “replace us” and cause large-scale unemployment. With the entry of artificial intelligence (AI), and robots that make robots, the value of human beings as productive forces in the economy is simply zero. People then become value-less consumers, only “mouths to feed” while production is carried out by machines.
And, the story goes, whoever first comes up with a robot that creates robots, and robots that fix themselves, will outcompete everyone else and soon own all means of production. The destiny of our innovative species is to become fundamentally dependent on that one capital owner, who by controlling all production controls all of us.
Engineering, not Economics
The problem is that this dystopian outlook is fundamentally flawed. And, as usual, it is reasoning based on economic illiteracy. Rather than an economic organism, the market economy is seen through the eyes of an engineer. In other words, it is seemingly economic reasoning based on a fundamental misunderstanding of economy – the view that production is about technology and engineering, about maximizing “output,” and not about the economizing of means to attain valued ends........":
The Supreme Court Scam:
"In your dreams, the Supreme Court is not a scam" Fake-Eye "D"
".......Kavanaugh's legal opinions are nothing short of terrible when it comes to an individual's basic right to live free of government searches, snooping, or seizures of property without specific proof that rises to the level of reasonable suspicion. His record is not one of "originalism," but rather undue deference to the wishes of a rapacious executive branch. ........
Three clear lessons emerge from the Kavanaugh fiasco:
First: the politicization of the Supreme Court is total and cannot be undone. .....Justices are black-robed tenured monarchs, selected by presidents as a form of political spoils to carry out a political agenda. They are Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, and rule accordingly-- starting with their intended political result in any given case, and working backward to fashion a legal argument justifying that result. Judicial activism is triumphant, and no pretense of impartiality remains........."
"..Second: judicial overreach has not limited executive or legislative overreach.......Judicial review serves as legal cover for government power, not a check on it......."
"..Third: centralized judicial power is as damaging to liberty as centralized executive and legislative power. Having a single court run by nine humans make top-down decisions for 320 million people is a recipe for disaster........The gradual imposition of positive civil law in America, along with the federalization of vast areas of law that once were determined locally, created a federal judiciary that is unworkable and unresponsive to millions of Americans. For the vast majority of us, recourse against the federal government for its lawless acts is an illusion-- we don't have 10 years and millions of dollars for lawyers."
The U.S. Constitution Scam:
"...It is no secret that I do not worship the Constitution as so many seem to do. Most hold it sacred, and a few hold it in contempt. I am in the latter camp. When I take a pragmatic approach in analyzing this loose set of rules constructed by a small group of politicians, I find holes that are difficult if not impossible to repair. This leads me to understand that there is more to this document than meets the eye. In other words, it is not something to be sanctified; it deserves much scrutiny. This is the opposite approach from the norm, but one that allows open investigation of those who drafted it and their true motives, instead of shrouding them under a protective halo.
Can anyone even imagine today a few politicians on their own and in secret, Democrats or Republicans, or any combination of the two, overhauling the government, creating a new set of rules replacing the current government, and drafting those rules by secret ballot?....":
"We can pretend that the Constitution, which was written to hold the government accountable, is still our governing document.
The reality we must come to terms with, however, is that in America we live in today, the government does whatever it wants, freedom be damned.
“We the people” have been terrorized, traumatized, and tricked into a semi-permanent state of compliance by a government that cares nothing for our lives or our liberties.
The bogeyman’s names and faces may change over time (terrorism, the war on drugs, illegal immigration, etc.), but the end result remains the same: our unquestioning acquiescence to anything the government wants to do in exchange for the phantom promise of safety and security.......":
The "Government Solutions Work" Scam:
"...Once we realize that government doesn’t work, we will stop asking what
government should do, and notice instead that government can’t do the thingswe want:
We may want government regulation to protect us from fraud, but the truth is that government doesn’t protect us from fraud.
The savings and loan crisis, every class-action law suit, and every financial scandal are testaments to the government’s inability to shield us from fraud or incompetence.
We may think crime control is a proper function of government, but the truth is that government doesn’t control crime. Our cities are war zones. At most, the government promises only to look for the person who robs, rapes, or murders you.
We may like to think that government sets the rules of the marketplace and acts as the referee, but in reality the government’s rules are arbitrary, ambiguous, and constantly changing. And the “referee” always seems to side with the team with the greatest political influence.
Once we realize that government doesn’t work, we will stop dreaming that this or that social problem can be solved by passing a law — or by creating anew government program — or by electing someone who will make Washington more efficient or cost-conscious........":
The World's Biggest, Most Dangerous Scam Is........
The 9/11 Scam:
"In your dreams, 9/11 was not a scam... " Fake-Eye "D"
[obf sez: presenting the single greatest, most detailed, most reality/world changing/life-changing examination of the the 100% fraudulent original US MSM "live" broadcasts of the morning of Sept. 11th. 2001, Simon Shack's incredible "September Clues", the only 9/11 analysis that explains all of the glaring contradictions to be seen in nearly every other "alternative" 9/11 "conspiracy theory" video out there, in my opinion. Heck, just the screenshot image below, which reveals that all 5 US MSM networks on 9/11 lined up to impossibly, and simultaneously shoot from the exact same camera angle on the morning of 9/11, should be more than enough to convince any truly rational thinker that the MSM's alleged live 9/11 footage was in fact entirely bogus!] :
[obf sez: presenting the single greatest, most detailed, most reality/world changing/life-changing examination of the the 100% fraudulent original US MSM "live" broadcasts of the morning of Sept. 11th. 2001, Simon Shack's incredible "September Clues", the only 9/11 analysis that explains all of the glaring contradictions to be seen in nearly every other "alternative" 9/11 "conspiracy theory" video out there, in my opinion. Heck, just the screenshot image below, which reveals that all 5 US MSM networks on 9/11 lined up to impossibly, and simultaneously shoot from the exact same camera angle on the morning of 9/11, should be more than enough to convince any truly rational thinker that the MSM's alleged live 9/11 footage was in fact entirely bogus!] :
Also see my article: The 9/11 "Truth Movement" Versus Simple, Common Sense Logic
" “Never forget.”
This is the mantra. The mantra that is repeated in the wake of every major false flag, every psychologically traumatizing incident that the deep state wishes to become a rallying cry for their next agenda item.
And so it is completely unsurprising that this mantra has been invoked to remind the public of that foundational event of the age of terror, 9/11.
“Never forget,” we are told by the mockingbirds of the establishment press every year come September. And when I say “every year” I mean every / single / year / without / fail. (Well, sometimes it’s a fail, but you get what I mean).
But never forget what, exactly? That is the question........":
The Operation Northwoods Scam:
[obf sez: For those who still cling to the official 9/11 story and believe that it was/is impossible for their government to have planned an "inside job", the bare facts of the US government's now declassified, never implemented, 1962 Operation Northwoods scheme, complete with its fake planes, fake passengers, fake deaths/ funerals, plus deliberate murder of US citizens, might get them to reconsider their own position vis a vis the claimed events of 9/11.]
The Economic and Investment Advisor Predictions Scam:
A Dangerous Assumption:
"The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty — and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies." H.L. Mencken
obf disclaimer: links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!
Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com