Sunday, February 28, 2021

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.170 - Feb. 28th.2021

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Food For Thought: “If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” Philip K. Dick.                                More of My Favorite Quotes [Misc.]

The Donald Trump "Drain The Swamp" Scam Revisited [James Corbett video]
[Obf sez: by the way, I said the same thing all the way back in 2015, here ]
"So here we are in 2021, living in the smoking wreckage of Pax Americana. What was the meaning of the last four years? What lessons have been learned, and how will those lessons be applied going forward? "

The "Covid-19 Virus Has Been Isolated" Scam
"no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists.Therefore, the PCR test is built to detect a fragment of a virus whose very existence has failed to meet a rational standard of evidence.This raises the absurdity of the PCR test to a whole new level."

The "Trust Stamp Proof of Vaccination" Scam
"Trust Stamp is a vaccination based digital identity program funded by Bill Gates and implemented by Mastercard and GAVI, that will soon link your biometric digital identity to your vaccination records. The program said to “evolve as you evolve” is part of the Global War on Cash and has the potential dual use for the purposes of surveillance and “predictive policing” based on your vaccination history. Those who may not wish to be vaccinated may be locked out of the system based on their trust score."


The Great Economic Outlook and Investment Predictions Scam - Important  Questions For Investors/Speculators: 

So what's Next? Another Global Plandemic Coming? Bank Failures Coming?, Stock Market Crash Coming? Deflation Coming? Hyper-Inflation Coming? Dollar crash? REALITY FACT: NOBODY, INCLUDING ALL SO-CALLED "EXPERTS", REALLY KNOWS FOR SURE!

See:How To Safely Profit In Stocks,Gold,Crypto's etc., Despite An Unknown & Unknowable Economic Future


The "Stakeholder Capitalism" Scam
"Ever wonder why the NFL and the Oscars would go out of their way to alienate patriotic Americans? Don't these businesses seek to maximize profit? The World Economic Forum released a 4.30 min. video a month ago which solves this conundrum."Capitalism as we know it is dead," it pronounces. The pursuit of profit has led to "inequity." They are introducing a new "stakeholder's capitalism" where political correctness gets you more points than actual profit."

The Covid-19 PCR Test Scam
"CONCLUSION: The PCR test is useless and deceptive. It provides de facto dictators the opportunity to cite “new case levels” and lock down populations, creating economic and human devastation."

Food For Thought: "Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure" Robert LeFevere

"Everything government touches turns to crap" Ringo Starr

"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic" H.L.Mencken

The Andrew Cuomo [ NY Governor] Scam
"From the start of the Covid pandemic, the media idolized Cuomo for his “safety through absolute power” mantra. Last March 20, Cuomo imposed a statewide lockdown on 20 million New Yorkers, closing schools and businesses. Cuomo labeled his decree a “pause”and declared: “If everything we do saves just one life, I’ll be happy.” At that point, most counties in New York state had five or fewer people whohave tested positive for coronavirus. Cuomo’s “just one life” standard for lockdowns should have obliterated his credibility. Instead, Cuomo’s maxim was treated as a triumph of idealism and benevolence. "

The Supreme Court Scam
"What happens when yet another governing institution loses the faith of a large portion of the American public? While Congress has long been viewed as dysfunctional and the popularity of the presidency has largely been partisan, the Supreme Court has tended to be held up as a uniquely noble governing body. Now, we see its legitimacy questioned with increased frequency on both the left and right. While this may be a bitter red pill for some to swallow, ultimately it is necessary medicine."

The 9/11 Scam-The Faked "Live" MSM Imagery
Revealed! Lone 9/11 researcher  Simon Shack reveals, frame by frame, the "in yer face" computer-manufactured fraudulence of ALL  of the mainstream media’s original“live” footage broadcast on the morning of Sept.11th 2001.

Podcast: Onebornfree's Last Radio InterviewOn The Fabulous Fakeologist Radio Show [Show no. FAK 224]Saturday April 4th. 2020[Warning- some bad language!]

Website recommendation. The Free Thought Project website is probably the most consistently anti-cop site I've ever seen. The videos of cop abuse nationwide posted there are so sickening and anger inducing that its hard to view, even for myself, a long time cynic whose opinion of human behavior is already pretty low. So don't go there if you have a frail constitution.

"Onebornfree" [aka "Fake-Eye D"] is a published [a long time ago!], songwriter [Carlin Music Inc.]
Here are a few of my newer, even more "doomy" songs performed, live, solo, at open mike events: 

One Step Forward [Six Steps Back]         Cut Loose Blues 

Questions/Lies            Rossanna                          Dreams[ Matrix Blues] 


In case you missed the blatant advertising above, "Onebornfree" is also an Investment Philosophy Consultant,and, a Personal Freedom and Natural Health Consultant 

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.169- Feb. 21st.2021

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Food For Thought: “If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” Philip K. Dick.                                More of My Favorite Quotes [Misc.]

The "We Have Isolated The Covid-19 Virus" Scam

"For literate people, the word “isolate” indicates: a thing is separated from all other material surrounding it. Very simple. However, for virologists, the word means: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab.” UN-ISOLATED.Virologists state: The soup consists of the virus, plus human and animal cells, plus (toxic) drugs and chemicals, plus all sorts of other genetic material."

The "Cancel Culture" Scam

"Cancel Culture is a Dress Rehearsal for Mass Murder" [ Stefan Molyneux video]

The CIA Scam

"To argue that the Silicon valley companies do not want to censor but are being pressured by the legacy corporate media does not make sense.  These companies are deeply connected to U.S. intelligence agencies, as are the NY Times, CNN, NBC, etc.  They too are part of what was once called Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s program to control, use, and infiltrate the media.  Only the most naïve would think that such a program does not exist today."


The Great Economic Outlook and Investment Predictions Scam - Important  Questions For All Investors and Speculators: 

So what's Next? Another Global Plandemic Coming? Bank Failures Coming?, Stock Market Crash Coming? Deflation Coming? Hyper-Inflation Coming? Dollar crash? REALITY FACT: NOBODY, INCLUDING ALL SO-CALLED "EXPERTS", REALLY KNOWS FOR SURE!

See:How To Safely Profit In Stocks,Gold,Crypto's etc., Despite An Unknown & Unknowable Economic Future


Food For Thought: "Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure" Robert LeFevere  ,

 "Everything government touches turns to crap" Ringo Starr,

"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic" H.L.Mencken

The "National Unity" Scam

"The myth of national unity during the “Civil War” was invented and cultivated by the history profession, the Republican Party, and the New England clergy in the post-war era to “justify” the killing of hundreds of thousands of fellow citizens in the Southern states; the plundering of the South during “Reconstruction;” the destruction of the voluntary union of the states and the system of federalism that was created by the founding fathers; and the adoption of Hamiltonian mercantilism as America’s new economic system."

The Great Reset"You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!" Scam [another great JP Sears video]

The "Biden Won The Presidency Legitimately" Scam

[obf sez: for the record, I was never a Trump supporter. See here  . Still, to my mind Trump obviously won in 2020, in the real world, which only goes to demonstrate the fraudulence of  elections in general. As someone [Emma Goldman?] once said:" If voting actually made a difference it would be illegal."]

"The left wants us to believe that the doddering and confused Joe Biden received more than ten million votes than any previous presidential contender in history........The left wants us to accept that nearly eleven million more people cast ballots for Biden than voted for Barrack Obama in 2008....... In other words, they want us to believe that when put side by side with Obama, Biden won by a massive landslide."

Food For Thought: James Corbett: 5 Ways Biometric Security Can Be Spoofed

[obf sez: N.B., also please read the Philip K. Dick quote at top of page!]

"'s a break down of just five of the ways that this biometric scanning technology can be hacked, gamed, spoofed or tricked."

The Covid-19 Lockdown "Cure" Scam

"Remove the following illegal, non-scientific and non-sanitary measures : lockdown, mandatory face masks for healthy subjects, social distancing of one or two meters. These crazy and stupid measures are heresies invented in 2020 that do not exist in medicine or public health and they are not based on any scientific evidence.This is not how we manage an outbreak"

The GlobalWarming Scam

"Winter storms are wreaking havoc in central and southern States. The climate news has turned catastrophic...........Obviously, global warming cannot be responsible for so much cold, but for the brain compromised, anything is possible. Of course, climate change is real; it is only man-made global warming, which is the world’s biggest scam in man’s history is not. The real story of climate change has to do with the sun and its fluctuations and the reality that we are in for a few decades of cooling temperatures on Earth."

The 9/11 Scam-The Faked "Live" MSM Imagery
Revealed! Lone 9/11 researcher  Simon Shack reveals, frame by frame, the "in yer face" computer-manufactured fraudulence of ALL  of the mainstream media’s original“live” footage broadcast on the morning of Sept.11th 2001.

Podcast: Onebornfree's Last Radio InterviewOn The Fabulous Fakeologist Radio Show [Show no. FAK 224]Saturday April 4th. 2020[Warning- some bad language!]

Website recommendation. The Free Thought Project website is probably the most consistently anti-cop site I've ever seen. The videos of cop abuse nationwide posted there are so sickening and anger inducing that its hard to view, even for myself, a long time cynic whose opinion of human behavior is already pretty low. So don't go there if you have a frail constitution.


"Onebornfree" [aka "Fake-Eye D"] is a published [a long time ago!], songwriter [Carlin Music Inc.]
Here are a few of my newer, even more "doomy" songs performed, live, solo, at open mike events: 

One Step Forward [Six Steps Back]         Cut Loose Blues 

Questions/Lies            Rossanna                          Dreams[ Matrix Blues] 


In case you missed the blatant advertising above, "Onebornfree" is also an Investment Philosophy Consultant,and, a Personal Freedom and Natural Health Consultant 

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.168- Feb. 14th.2021

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Food For Thought: “If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” Philip K. Dick.                                More of My Favorite Quotes [Misc.]

The "Freedom Fighter = Terrorist" Scam
"Deep down, slavery is NOT what people want (despite what the propagandists might tell you).......The establishment thinks they can convince the world that freedom fighters are terrorists, while secretly, in their heart of hearts, the majority of people want us to win, and in the end, we will."

The "Covid-19 Vaccines Are Not Deliberately Designed To Kill Seniors" Scam[David Icke video]

Food For Thought: 
"Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure"
Robert LeFevere 

The "Lockdowns Are Good-Trust The Experts" Scam
"There are sociological, economic, and cultural reasons why experts will take the politically popular position, even when the actual scientific evidence is weak or nonexistent.Experts Are Biased and Are Self-Interested like Everyone Else"

The Mandatory Vaccine Scam
"Governments have no right to coerce their citizens into taking vaccines. The decision whether to take a vaccine or not, whatever the reasons behind it might be (individualistic risk-benefit analysis, altruistic and charitable considerations, etc.), should rest solely on individual free-willed choices."

The "Virus Will Not Mutate" Scam
"It is not possible to devise an effective vaccine for the type of virus that causes COVID-19........ Coronavirus is a type of virus that mutates widely and because of that it is impossible to come up with a vaccination protocol that would stop its spread."

The "Public Servant" Scam
" It’s almost as if they’re trying to claim the mantle of nobility for making a sacrifice in the public interest. But I don’t understand what that sacrifice is. They’re paid better and have better benefits than most private-sector employees. They’re rarely held accountable for their performance. Why do we treat them as if they’re serving a higher calling than any other profession in the country?"

The "Scientism" Scam
"The religion of Scientism is threaded throughout every high-tech government agency and corporation in the world. They are the “excluders”. Legitimate scientists and engineers are the “excluded”, and along with them, everyone who dares to repeat their warnings."

The Plandemic Scam- Jon Rappoport Dreams a Dream
"Do we have a launch date set for the pandemic?"-"Looks like December of 2019, or January 2020."- "I’m still confused about the virus."- "There is no virus."-"Why not?"-"If our people could actually create one—highly doubtful—they would have no idea what it would do. All viruses mutate rapidly. You never end up with what you started with. But selling A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS—that’s a winner. That’s all we need."


Important  Questions For Investors/Speculators: What's Next? Another Global Plandemic Coming? Bank Failures Coming?, Stock Market Crash Coming? Deflation Coming? Inflation Coming? Dollar crash? INVESTMENT REALITY FACT: NOBODY, INCLUDING ALL "EXPERTS", REALLY KNOWS FOR SURE!

See:How To Safely Profit In Stocks,Gold,Crypto's etc., Despite An Unknowable Economic Future


Food For Thought:Fuck The State, "Irish Democracy" Style
"There are no white hats coming to save us. It is now up to millions of truculent, disagreeable, angry, deplorable citizens to undermine the establishment and force this empire built on a foundation of unpayable debt to collapse."

The CARES Act Scam
"...the CARES Act was less about altruism and caring for people or the best interests of working Americans, and more about making money for special interests.Covid-19 and the CARES Act brought huge profit potential to the largest and wealthiest corporations and individuals. "

The School Voucher Scam
"While there is certainly nothing wrong with privately-funded vouchers for education, there is everything wrong with government-funded vouchers....Government vouchers for education are not an intermediate step toward separating education from the state. They are welfare, pure and simple. Vouchers are a form of education socialism."

The Big Tech Exodus Has Begun — Join Us! 
[obf sez:  Activist Post reviews viable alternatives to Facebook , Youtube. Twitter etc.]

The Transport Safety Administration [TSA] Scam
"Is “social distancing” from boneheaded enforcement agents asking too much? Alas, it is difficult to expect reasonable policies from an agency that still seems inspired by one of its first mottoes: “Dominate. Intimidate. Control.“.."

The "Environmental Sustainability" Scam
"By standard definitions, what we are doing is “unsustainable,” but most human activities are. Over some time period every activity is unsustainable, but that’s not an indictment, practically or morally, of doing them. When the environment is harming humans (the default position of life), we should offer those humans the best available protection against that – with or without a worsening climate. "

The 9/11 Scam-The Faked "Live" MSM Imagery
Revealed! Lone 9/11 researcher  Simon Shack reveals, frame by frame, the "in yer face" computer-manufactured fraudulence of ALL  of the mainstream media’s original“live” footage broadcast on the morning of Sept.11th 2001.

Podcast: Onebornfree's Last Radio InterviewOn The Fabulous Fakeologist Radio Show [Show no. FAK 224]Saturday April 4th. 2020[Warning- some bad language!]

Website recommendation. The Free Thought Project website is probably the most consistently anti-cop site I've ever seen. The videos of cop abuse nationwide posted there are so sickening and anger inducing that its hard to view, even for myself, a long time cynic whose opinion of human behavior is already pretty low. So don't go there if you have a frail constitution.

"Onebornfree" [aka "Fake-Eye D"] is a published [a long time ago!], songwriter [Carlin Music Inc.]
Here are a few of my newer, even more "doomy" songs performed, live, solo, at open mike events: 

One Step Forward [Six Steps Back]         Cut Loose Blues 

Questions/Lies            Rossanna                          Dreams[ Matrix Blues] 


In case you missed the blatant advertising above, "Onebornfree" is also an Investment Philosophy Consultant,and, a Personal Freedom and Natural Health Consultant 

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.167- Feb. 7th.2021

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Food For Thought: “If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” Philip K. Dick.                                More of My Favorite Quotes [Misc.]

"The research draws attention to this key distinction as it has led to a significant inflation in COVID fatality totals. By the researcher’s estimates, COVID-19 recorded fatalities are inflated nationwide by as much as 1600% above what they would be had the CDC used the 2003 handbooks."

The Covid-19 Anal Swab Test Scam
[obf sez: are you ready slaves? Pre-sent your aaaaaassss!]
"If you ever needed any proof that this whole COVID pandemic is nothing more than an excuse for governments to subdue, control and screw over their populations, you need to look no further than the latest procedure that is coming your way. It is called the COVID anal swab."

The Domestic Terrorism Scam
"where many go wrong is in assuming that you have to be doing something illegal or challenging the government’s authority in order to be flagged as a suspicious character, labeled an enemy of the state and locked up like a dangerous criminal. Eventually, all you will really need to do is use certain trigger words, surf the internet, communicate using a cell phone, drive a car, stay at a hotel, purchase materials at a hardware store, take flying or boating lessons, appear suspicious, question government authority, or generally live in the United States.The groundwork has already been laid."

Food For Thought : Get Off "The Grid" [obf sezI did so 20 years ago]
"You don’t have to be a cog in the system. For most of us, the only option that was presented while we were growing up was to get on the hamster wheel and run as fast as we could. You know what I mean – go to school, get a job, pay a mortgage, prepare for retirement, etc. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you truly want to unplug from the system and live your life off the grid, you can. Of course it isn’t easy, but nothing in life really worth doing ever is."

The "New Locust" Scam [A "fairy tale"]

"One day in a land far away and a time long gone a Priest came to where the Many were tending their crops and livestock and said:“There are locusts coming and we must prepare!”--“But locusts come every year and all the years gone by”, the Many replied, “It is always so, why must we prepare?”--“These are not the locusts of all the years gone by,” the Priest said, “these are new and terrible locusts that I call by a New Name. We must prepare.”

The "You Must Be Vaccinated To Fly" Scam
"Hello, Vaccine Airlines. What is your destination?”-“I’m flying from Newark to Chicago.”- “Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine?”-“Of course.”-“Can you prove it?”-“How would I do that?”-“Do you have the Stasi App on your cell phone?”-“No.” -“I’m sorry. Until you do, and it indicates you’re vaccinated, you can’t fly with us.”

The "U.S.-Land of The Free" Scam
"In 2015, Americans could still believe they lived in a republic, in which life’s rules flow from the people through their representatives. In 2021, a class of rulers draws their right to rule from self-declared experts’ claims of infallibility that dwarf baroque kings’ pretensions. "

"..incitement isn’t a real crime at all. It assumes that the person committing the “incitement” is simply passing down orders to blank-slate automatons who then turn around and do whatever their “leader” says."


Important  Questions For Investors/Speculators: What's Next? Another Global Plandemic Coming? Bank Failures Coming?, Stock Market Crash Coming? Deflation Coming? Inflation Coming? Dollar crash? INVESTMENT REALITY FACT: NOBODY, INCLUDING ALL "EXPERTS", REALLY KNOWS FOR SURE!

See:How To Safely Profit In Stocks,Gold,Crypto's etc., Despite An Unknowable Economic Future


The Covid-19 "We Need To Clean Everything" Scam
"We’ve spent the better part of a year drowning in cleaning products, somehow certain we are scrubbing the virus off surfaces so that we don’t get sick. It seems to fit with a certain intuition that the bad germ is not within you or me but must be sticking to some surface. It’s a mental habit from time immemorial to externalize the pathogen. With the wide availability of cleaning products, we all went crazy to get the invisible enemy."

The Electric Car Scam
"1 continue to be amazed that serious people think that gasoline powered vehicles can be completely replaced by electric vehicles in a decade-and-a-half, and that this would be a good thing, even if possible. Under threat of government action, however, the world’s major auto manufacturers are falling in line boosting production of plug-in models,"

Food For Thought: Are You "Borg" or "Anti-Borg"?
"The Borg has assimilated America; and the reason The Borg has done this is to ensure its own survival. But even more than that, The Borg desires perfection to point of achieving transhumanism through the merger of bio-technology, artificial intelligence, and the technological singularity. "

The "You Are Infected With Covid-19" Scam:
"A COUGH, or CHILLS AND FEVER, for example. Either of these is sufficient for a diagnosis of COVID.The requirement of a positive PCR test for the virus—even that isn’t absolutely necessary. Besides which—as I’ve been demonstrating in many articles—the PCR is riddled with irreparable flaws, leading to millions of false-positives."

The Covid-19 Test Certificate Scam:
[obf sez: Finally Some [Real, No- Scam] Good news! [Three Cheers For The Black Markets!,Yay!- Just be sure to get a really high quality fake certificate that looks exactly like the real thing.]: "Criminal gangs in Europe are producing and selling fake negative COVID-19 test certificates in airports and online, according to Europol, the bloc's police cooperation and coordination agency."As long as travel restrictions remain in place due to the Covid-19 situation, it is highly likely that production and sales of fake test certificates will prevail," Europol said in a statement Monday. "

The Fauci "Wear Masks/Don't Wear Masks" Scam
"Less than one week after advising Americans that wearing two or even three masks would be ‘more effective’ against the spread of coronavirus, Dr Fauci has done a complete 180 (again) and admitted that there is no data to suggest it will make any difference."

The "Virus's Definately Exist" Scam
"Apparently, the notion of a virus was born when germ theorists ran out of bacteria to explain illnesses. So they claimed there had to be a smaller invisible particle, which came to be called “virus.” Since that fateful choice, researchers have encountered various problems. Chief among them: how do you to prove, in specific instances, that these viruses exist and cause illness?"

The 9/11 Scam-The Faked "Live" MSM Imagery

Revealed! Lone 9/11 researcher  Simon Shack reveals, frame by frame, the "in yer face" computer-manufactured fraudulence of ALL  of the mainstream media’s original“live” footage broadcast on the morning of Sept.11th 2001.

Podcast: Onebornfree's Last Radio InterviewOn The Fabulous Fakeologist Radio Show [Show no. FAK 224]Saturday April 4th. 2020[Warning- some bad language!]

Website recommendation. The Free Thought Project website is probably the most consistently anti-cop site I've ever seen. The videos of cop abuse nationwide posted there are so sickening and anger inducing that its hard to view, even for myself, a long time cynic whose opinion of human behavior is already pretty low. So don't go there if you have a frail constitution.

"Onebornfree" [aka "Fake-Eye D"] is a published [a long time ago!], songwriter [Carlin Music Inc.]
Here are a few of my newer, even more "doomy" songs performed, live, solo, at open mike events: 

One Step Forward [Six Steps Back]         Cut Loose Blues 

Questions/Lies            Rossanna                          Dreams[ Matrix Blues] 


In case you missed the blatant advertising above, "Onebornfree" is also an Investment Philosophy Consultant,and, a Personal Freedom and Natural Health Consultant 

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com