obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!
Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com
Food For Thought: “If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” Philip K. Dick.
More of My Favorite Quotes [Misc.]
Red Alert! Situation Update - A Visual Reminder For You:
[obf sez: also, to see the "big picture", if you still haven't read at least either Orwell's "1984", or Huxley's "Brave New World" yet, I suggest that you so do, A.S.A.P., while there's still time! ]
The "Great Reset" Scam [continued]
"The Davos elites said they wanted a global reset of the economy many years ago -They role-played what would happen if a pandemic were to occur- And now they’re saying that the great reset ideology is the solution to the pandemic, and it must be enacted quickly. The great reset is a means to an end.Next on the agenda is a complete makeover of society under a technocratic regime of un-elected bureaucrats who want to dictate how the world is run from the top down, leveraging invasive technologies to track and trace your every move while censoring and silencing anyone who dares not comply."
Very Important!Food For Thought: Is Pine Needle Tea The Antidote To All Of The Toxic CV-19 Bioweapon "Vaccines"? "Let’s be very clear: Over millennia, whenever the power elite have deliberately disseminated a bioweapon, they were very sure to first formulate a 100% effective antidote for themselves and their tribe. And so they have for the COVID-19 bioweapon which was released worldwide throughout 2019,"
Also see: "Is pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission? Learn about suramin, shikimic acid and how to make your own extracts"
The Covid-19 Plandemic Response Scam
"Even though freedom is its own wondrous virtue, even though freedom produces essential information that protects us, and even though free people produce the resources without which diseases kill with sickening rapidity, panicky politicians erased it in 2020 on the supposition that personal and economic desperation was the best solution for a spreading virus. Historians will marvel at the abject stupidity of the political class in 2020."
The Great Economic and Investment Predictions Scam - Important Questions For Investors/Speculators:
What's Next? Inflation?Another Global Plandemic? Bank Failures?, A Stock Market Boom? Stock Market Crash? Deflation? Hyper-Inflation ? A Dollar crash?
See: How To Safely Profit In Stocks,Gold,Crypto's etc., Despite An Unknown & Unknowable Economic Future
See Also: Financial Safety Reports Latest Edition [March 2nd '21]
The "Respect The Science" Scam
"What the establishment really means by “respect the science,” however, is: “Do as we say, or else.” They don’t mean real science and scientific knowledge, derived from research, testing of theories, intellectual debate and discussion. "
The Federal Reserve Scam [part 666,666,666,666]
"Does it make sense, for a nation founded on the notion of individual liberty, equality under the law, and personal property rights, to allow a government agency to manipulate the value of the currency used by its citizens? Would it be better to have a stable monetary foundation to facilitate free-market outcomes, rather than empower the Federal Reserve to distort interest rates and dilute dollars in the service of government policy?" [Also see: "Fed Goal: Destroy 26% of Dollar's Buying Power in 15 Years" ]
The Modern Monetary Theory [MMT] Scam
"It’s nothing new. Just a more radical version of the economic fascism that’s dominated the U.S. since at least the days of the New Deal. It’s just another name for an old, and very stupid, set of economic ideas. By stupid I mean, “showing an inability to predict the indirect and delayed consequences of actions.”"
The US "Coast Guard" Scam
"Most Americans likely assume that the mission of the US Coast Guard is to protect the coasts of the United State from maritime threats. Increasingly, though, that is no longer true, as Coast Guard vessels and personnel now routinely operate thousands of miles from the US homeland. Moreover, they frequently are not engaged in "defensive" missions, but are instead part and parcel of Washington’s arrogant force projection around the world."