Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.201 - April 24th. 2023

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Food For Thought: “If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” Philip K. Dick.                                

To Start Off, Dear Reader, A Graphic Reminder Of Exactly Where We All Are Right Now:

And Because "A Picture Says A Thousand Words":

I need ALL of your money! NOW! 
[So cough up, all you cheapskates!😎

Bitcoin donations here:

MONERO [preferred] donations here:

The "Scientific Consensus" Scam:

"In a recent interview, famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson was challenged on his scientific views about COVID-19 and he said “I’m only interested in consensus” – words that would have Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei rolling in their graves."

The 1918 Spanish Flu Scam:

"During the war years of 1918 to 1919, the US Army ballooned to 6 million men, of which 2 million were sent overseas. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research took advantage of this new pool of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments."

The Waco Massacre Coverup Scam:

"Thirty years ago, FBI tanks smashed into the ramshackle home of the Branch Davidians outside Waco, Texas. After the FBI collapsed much of the building atop the residents, a fire erupted and 76 corpses were dug out of the rubble."

The Allopathic Medicine Scam:

"Many doctors are waking up to the deeper problems in the allopathic medical model.Thousands that were vocal advocates of lockdowns, masks, social distancing and multiple vax shots have backed away from being pro-ClotShot and even taken down their websites."

The Aluminium In "Vaccines" Scam[video]:

"Many adults and children have been subjected to aluminium poisoning. While this can happen from environmental sources inadvertently, millions have been injected with vaccines laced with aluminium under the euphemism ‘adjuvant’."

The Federal [Bank] Deposit Insurance Scam:

"Federal deposit insurance, and every other form of insurance touched by government, is better described, in the words of Murray Rothbard, as a "fraudulent racket." "

The Uvalde School Massacre Scam [video]:

"The Uvalde Hoax":

The RESTRICT Act Scam" [humorous J.P. Sears video]:
"The Restrict Act! Totalitarianism is Good For You"

The Food Stamp Scam:

"Although it may sound harsh or cruel, there is no constitutional right in this country to have enough food to eat.........All charity should be private and voluntary."

Food For Thought: [video] 
"Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?"

Time For A Music Break! 
[i.e shameless self promotion time]

Food For Thought:"BEYOND THE RESET" [excellent animated short movie]:

The "Covid-19 Virus Exists" Scam:

"I’ve grown increasingly frustrated about the way debate is controlled around the topic of origins of the alleged novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, and I have come to disbelieve it’s ever been in circulation, causing massive scale illness and death."

See also: 
"Where's the "Virus?"- Missing since: Forever."

The "Governments Are Essential" Scam:

"The most important two sentences in the history of political philosophy since the ancient Greeks appears towards the beginning of Machiavelli’s The Prince. ‘[A] wise ruler,’ the author informs his reader, ‘must think of a method by which his citizens will need the state and himself at all times and in every circumstance. Then they will always be loyal to him."

See also:"The Institutionalized Minds Of Most Americans:

"We depend on the state for everything from government jobs and student loans to occupational licenses and the use of public resources. And we have the habits of mind to prove it..." :

See also: "The End of Hope":

..."Those who would try to convince you of a need, utilitarian or otherwise, of a State don’t have a moral leg to stand on, nor a fiber of integrity in their body. "

The Operation Choke Point 2.0 Scam [excellent James Corbett video]:

"The specter of Operation Choke Point 2.0 has just been raised in a recent House Financial Services Committee meeting. But what was Operation Choke Point 1.0? And why should we be concerned about this latest attempt to debank "disfavoured individuals," anyway? "


The Federal Reserve Scam
"Ben Bernanke-The Greatest Inflator and Nobel Prize Winner!": 


The Great Economic and Investment Predictions Scam:

What's Next? Inflation?Another Global Plandemic? Bank Failures?, A Stock Market Boom? Stock Market Crash? Deflation? Hyper-Inflation ? A Dollar crash? 





So if nobody can reliably, consistently, predict the economic future, what can rhe individual do in light of this simple, yet hard to swallow, fact?  

See: How To Safely Profit In Stocks,Gold,Crypto's etc., Despite An Unknowable Economic Future


Revealed! Lone 9/11 researcher  Simon Shack demonstrates, frame by frame, the "in yer face" computer-manufactured fraudulence of ALL  of the mainstream media’s original“live” footage broadcast on the morning of Sept.11th 2001.


The 13ft Tall Tower Jumpers

Video: "Air Versus Skyscraper":
[obf sez: if above video doesn't play , here's a  current, but 
probably short-lived,



 Investment Philosophy Consultant, 

Personal Freedom Consultant, 

and a Natural Health/Fitness Consultant 


Podcast: Onebornfree's Last Covid-19 Radio Interview- On The Fabulous Fakeologist Radio Show [Show no. FAK 224]Saturday April 4th. 2020[Warning- some bad language!]

Website recommendation

The Free Thought Project website is probably the most consistently anti-cop site I've ever seen. The videos of cop abuse nationwide posted there are so sickening and anger inducing that its hard to view, even for myself, a long time cynic whose opinion of human behaviour is already pretty low. So don't go there if you have a frail constitution.


Bitcoin donations here:

Monero [preferred] donations here:


obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. email: 

onebornfree at yahoo dot com


Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.201-Graphics Only Edition - April 24th. 2023

I need ALL of your money! NOW!
[So cough up all you cheapskates!😎]

Bitcoin donations here:

Monero [preferred] donations here:




 an Investment Philosophy Consultant, 

Personal Freedom Consultant, 

and a Natural Health/Fitness Consultant 


Bitcoin donations here:

Monero [preferred] donations here:


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.200 - April 2nd. 2023

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Food For Thought: “If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” Philip K. Dick.                                

To Start Off, Dear Reader, A Graphic Reminder Of Exactly Where We All Are Right Now:

And Because "A Picture Says A Thousand Words":

I need all of your money! NOW! 
[So cough up all you cheapskates!😎
Bitcoin donations here:

Monero [preferred] donations here:
The Nashville School Shooting Scam:
Above photo: Trans "killer" supposedly kills in one brand of shoes, but manages to "die" in another brand! Whodathunkit? :-)

[obf sez: Oh dear, another totally faked killing spree, this time supposedly by a F/M "trans" person. Listen to Kate Dalleys excellent observations concerning the many anomalies of this alleged mass school shooting incident. ]

The Carbon Credits Scam:

"South Pole hurtled towards a valuation of $1 billion while its clients were left holding the bag. Such is the nature of the market for carbon credits and other green scams."

The Operation Paperclip Scam:

“Operation Paperclip was a secret program conducted by the United States of America during the Cold War. It was a mission to bring German scientists, engineers and technicians from Nazi Germany to the United States. "

The Joe Biden Scam:

"Biden Presidency proves the system can't work" [audio]
[obf sez: please listen as the great "legalman" exposes Biden's and the entire system's unchangeable corruption]

The Wind Power Scam:

"..the basic arithmetic showing wind power is an economic and societal disaster in the making should be clear to a bright primary school child."

The Covid-19 Death Figures Scam:

"NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic"

Time For A Music Break! 
[i.e shameless self promotion time]

The Covid-19 PCR Test Scam [video]:

"The Truth About PCR Tests- This video had over 400k views on YouTube until it was removed for breaking it’s “community guidelines.”":

See also:"20 Undeniable Facts about PCR Tests":

The Covid-19 "Pandemic" Scam:

"Meanwhile, in the real world, hard evidence – as opposed to anecdotal evidence – for this ‘pandemic’ remained stubbornly non-existent. "

The Public Education Scam:

"Abolish the Department of Education"

The "Nuclear Weapons Exist" Scam:[video]:

"Nukes are Fake. Observers on the ground say the nuclear blasts in Japan did not happen"

See also: "The Nuke Hoax" :

The [Covid-19] Cause of Death Scam:

"NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic"

The Pledge of Allegiance  Scam:

"Conservatives are among the most ardent proponents of the Pledge. That’s ironic because it was written by a self-avowed socialist, a man named Edward Bellamy. Conservatives profess to oppose socialism and support “free enterprise."

See also: "The Evil Intent of the Pledge of Allegiance"

Humour: Best Bank Bust Explanation Video [2 mins]

The Constitution Scam:

"The Constitution has no inherent authority or obligation. It has no authority or obligation at all, unless as a contract between man and man. . [This essay was written in 1869.]"

Related:  Listen also to "legalmans" great, humorous,video: "Spooner vs Ramaswamy": https://vigilante.tv/w/fW7DTsuJYw2NujW2Awo3gF

The “Well-Child Visits” Scam:

"If you recognize the subscription model behind magazines or newspapers....then you recognize the model behind well child visits....."

The Federal Reserve Scam
"Ben Bernanke-The Greatest Inflator and Nobel Prize Winner!": 


The Great Economic and Investment Predictions Scam:

What's Next? Inflation?Another Global Plandemic? Bank Failures?, A Stock Market Boom? Stock Market Crash? Deflation? Hyper-Inflation ? A Dollar crash? 





So if nobody can reliably, consistently, predict the economic future, what can rhe individual do in light of this simple, yet hard to swallow, fact?  

See: How To Safely Profit In Stocks,Gold,Crypto's etc., Despite An Unknowable Economic Future


Revealed! Lone 9/11 researcher  Simon Shack demonstrates, frame by frame, the "in yer face" computer-manufactured fraudulence of ALL  of the mainstream media’s original“live” footage broadcast on the morning of Sept.11th 2001.


The 13ft Tall Tower Jumpers

Video: "Air Versus Skyscraper":
[obf sez: if above video doesn't play , here's a  current, but 
probably short-lived,



 Investment Philosophy Consultant, 

Personal Freedom Consultant, 

and a Natural Health/Fitness Consultant 


Podcast: Onebornfree's Last Covid-19 Radio Interview- On The Fabulous Fakeologist Radio Show [Show no. FAK 224]Saturday April 4th. 2020[Warning- some bad language!]

Website recommendation

The Free Thought Project website is probably the most consistently anti-cop site I've ever seen. The videos of cop abuse nationwide posted there are so sickening and anger inducing that its hard to view, even for myself, a long time cynic whose opinion of human behaviour is already pretty low. So don't go there if you have a frail constitution.


Bitcoin donations here:

Monero [preferred] donations here:


obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. email: 

onebornfree at yahoo dot com


Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com