"Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be "reformed","improved", nor "limited" in scope, simply because of their innate criminal nature." onebornfree
"Government doesn't work" Harry Browne
"Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class." Albert J. Nock
"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic" H.L.Mencken
"My first rule- I don't believe anything the government tells me- nothing!- ZERO!" George Carlin
obf disclaimer: inclusion of, and links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of _any_ of the individuals or organizations concerned!
obf disclaimer: inclusion of, and links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of _any_ of the individuals or organizations concerned!
The Pentagon's "Never Ending War" Scam:
"War is the health of the state" - Randolph Bourne
"...What would be the criteria for removing our remaining troops from the Iraqi, Syrian, and more general Middle Eastern conflicts? Or, for that matter, from Afghanistan, where we have been trapped for more than 17 long years of still open-ended occupation?
If the answer to that question is that only when each of these countries is a healthy pro-American democracy, and Islamist terrorism has ceased to be an “enduring” threat to the West, then the answer, as the old Bob Mankoff joke has it, is “How about never — is never good for you?”......":
"Washington’s hegemonic aims, under Republicans and undemocratic Dems, represent the greatest threat to world peace and humanity’s survival.........Bolton, Pompeo, and other Trump regime hardliners want restraints on its weapons development and deployments eliminated, part of Washington’s permanent war agenda.
They want all nations worldwide colonized and controlled, Russia, China, and Iran transformed into US vassal states their main objective, eliminating the only challenges to Washington’s aim for global hegemony.......":
The NATO Scam:
"NATO’s and the US military’s desecration of corpses, attacks on wedding parties, mosques, hospitals and market places - along with the bombing of allied troops, torture of prisoners, and their notoriously unaccountable drone warfare - are a few of the alliance’s more infamous outrages in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia.
Twenty years’ worth of “unintended” or “collateral” damage hasn’t created friends in the war zones......................Allies have reacted angrily. Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai gave his “last” warning against NATO’s bombing of Afghan homes on May 31, 2011, saying, “If they continue their attacks on our houses … history shows what Afghans do with trespassers and with occupiers.” On March 20, 2012, Pakistani lawmakers demanded an end to all NATO/CIA drone strikes against their territory. The drone attacks continue, and newspapers repeatedly remind readers of the self-defeating hopelessness of using atrocities to fight a tactic or to enforce US military occupation....":
The Religion Scam[s]:
The 9/11 Scam: The Faked MSM "Live" Imagery:
Nosed Out [7.5 mins-examining the famous, fake, Fox5 Fl.175 sequence ].
September Clues 2008 Part C [10 mins- examines the fake "amateur" footage of Fl 175's flight, complete with entirely contradictory flight paths.]
[obf sez: For those who still cling to the official 9/11 story and believe that it was/is impossible for their government to have planned an "inside job", the bare facts of the US government's now declassified, never implemented, 1962 Operation Northwoods scheme, complete with proposed fake plane flights, fake passengers, fake deaths/ and funerals, plus deliberate murder of US citizens, as revealed in this video, might get them to reconsider their own position vis a vis the claimed events of 9/11.]:
"In your dream, 9/11 was not a scam" - "Matrix Blues" Fake-Eye "D"
obf sez: This addendum to Simon Shack's main work [ i.e. the original "September Clues"], reveals, via close, detailed, frame by frame analysis, the complete fraudulence of all of the original, as aired, mainstream news networks "live" 9/11, broadcasts; complete with impossible scenery perspectives, impossible building dimensions, fake "view from helicopter" shots, and an impossibly mobile bridge:
Please closely review these other excellent additions to Simon Shack's original September Clues movie:
September Clues 2008 Part C [10 mins- examines the fake "amateur" footage of Fl 175's flight, complete with entirely contradictory flight paths.]
The Operation Northwoods Scam:
[obf sez: For those who still cling to the official 9/11 story and believe that it was/is impossible for their government to have planned an "inside job", the bare facts of the US government's now declassified, never implemented, 1962 Operation Northwoods scheme, complete with proposed fake plane flights, fake passengers, fake deaths/ and funerals, plus deliberate murder of US citizens, as revealed in this video, might get them to reconsider their own position vis a vis the claimed events of 9/11.]:
The Economic and Investment Advisor Predictions Scam:
Video:Peter Schiff predicts the future-yet again :-) : "The Bear Begins"

A Dangerous Investment Assumption:
The most dangerous assumption for the individual investor is that he/she, or an investment advisor or economist or similar, can accurately predict the economic future, and for that investor to then place their bets accordingly, with precious money, money they cannot afford to lose. Fact: Future economic events cannot be reliably and consistently predicted by anyone, by any chart, by any machine, by any economist or by any "investment advisor", including your own favorite, whoever it might be, dear reader. The good news is that to safeguard your own savings against the ravages of an entirely unknowable economic future, it is not even necessary to have to be able to predict future economic events, or to have to rely on the predictions of economists, financial advisors, money managers, tea-leaf readers, or whomever. For my incredible, life-changing, FREE financial advice, please see:
My Music:
Youtube music channel
Onebornfree is also a:
"The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty — and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies." H.L. Mencken
obf disclaimer: links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!
Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com
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