Sunday, July 19, 2020

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.146,July 19th,2020

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!
Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com
Food For Thought: 
“If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.”
 Philip K. Dick. More of My Favorite Quotes 

The Coronavirus Mandatory Face-Mask Scam
"Lawyers Offer To Represent Those Arrested Or Cited For Not Wearing Face Mask. An increasing number of principled lawyers have offered to represent for free those who are arrested or fined for not wearing a face mask."

AD: Another Global Pandemic Coming? Bank Failures Coming?, Stock Market Crash Coming?, Deflation Coming?,Inflation Coming? What's Next? REALITY FACT: NOBODY KNOWS! See: How To Safely Profit In Stocks,Gold,Crypto's etc., Despite An Unknowable Economic Future

The Coronavirus Scamdemic And The Government-Run Health "Care" System Scam
"The problem with the coronavirus crisis — and America’s healthcare crisis in general — lies not with governmental mismanagement of healthcare. It lies with the concept of government management of healthcare itself. If you have an inherently bad system, then it doesn’t matter who is managing it or what healthcare recommendations are adopted for managing it. The results are still going to be bad."


Ad: More Freedom 4U?:The Problem Solver!


More "Food For Thought":“Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be "reformed"or "improved",simply because of their innate criminal nature.”onebornfree

A Scam Revisited : The George Floyd "Murdered by Cops" Scam 
"The death of George Floyd was orchestrated, including at least two video takes and improper procedures by both police and EMTs,"

See also: George Floyd “death” was faked by crisis actors to engineer revolutionary riots,

Website recommendation. The Free Thought Project is probably the most consistently anti-cop website I've ever seen. The videos of cop abuse nationwide posted there are so sickening and anger inducing that its hard to view, even for myself, a long time cynic whose opinion of human behavior is already pretty low. So don't go there if you have a frail constitution.

Podcast: Onebornfree's Radio Interview On The Fabulous Fakeologist Radio Show [Show no. FAK 224]Saturday April 4th. 2020

The 9/11 Scam-The Faked "Live" MSM Imagery
Revealed! The computer-manufactured fraudulence all of the mainstream media’s original“live” footage broadcast on the morning of Sept.11th 2001.

My YouTube music channel
My composition “Dreams [Matrix Blues]”performed solo,live at open mike.[YouTube]
In case you missed the blatant advertising above,  "Onebornfree" is also an Investment Philosophy Consultant,and, a Personal Freedom and Natural Health Consultant 

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Monday, July 6, 2020

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.145,July 6th,2020

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!
Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com
Food For Thought: 
“If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” 
Philip K. Dick. More of My Favorite Quotes 

The "Safe Vaccine" Scam

The 10,000 US Troops Out of Germany- Into India Scam
"Trump announced that he was removing 10,000 troops from Germany........ these 10,000 troops were reassigned to India, of all places. ......I have to ask the question, “Is Trump preparing to give the Military Industrial Complex what they want?” If he does, he remains President. If not, there will likely be a coup."

The Ghislaine Maxwell Arrest Scam
"Ghislaine Maxwell Indictment: A Well Orchestrated Sham to Cover for the Rich & Famous"

The July 4th Dependence Day Scam [Humor]
"Democrats across the country prepared to celebrate Dependence Day this week, an annual holiday where they reflect upon their complete and total dependence on the government. Every year on July 4, Democrats celebrate the high holy day where they thank the government for its gracious gifts......... "This good and benevolent government was given to us by, you know, the thing," said Joe Biden....."

The. Sandy Hook School Massacre Scam
"....the year 2020 will likely shine as a more horrific year in American history. Sandy Hook also stood out because of its huge cover-up attempts by the criminals in charge. But, then again, is the Sandy Hook’s government cover-up any worse than say, 9-11, or the current cv-19 medical plandemic?"


Another Global Pandemic Coming? Bank Failures Coming?, Stock Market Crash Coming?, Deflation Coming?,Inflation Coming? What's Next? REALITY FACT: NOBODY KNOWS! See: How To Safely Profit In Stocks,Gold,Crypto's etc., Despite An Unknowable Economic Future


The U.S. Constitution Scam
"Contrary to a certain nostalgic nationalist myth that still endures, the US Constitution as first conceived was never intended to limit government power. The primary purpose of the Convention of 1787 was to increase federal power, as the older constitution of 1776 (i.e., the "Articles of Confederation") was regarded by centralizers as being too "weak." The older constitution was built on a consensus model, and required acquiescence from a supermajority of member states to do much. The overwhelming preponderance of government power lay with the states themselves, which were in their own right too weak to demand much from their citizens...."

The Coronavirus Mandatory Vaccine Scam
"Millions of deaths are coming to America if this Covid vaccination is allowed to go forward. The truth will never see the light of day in any mainstream media, and the American public will feed the frenzy of death with their fear. This is a recipe for death never before seen in this country, and when the dust settles, the murder of innocents by the state will have surpassed all imagination, and what will remain will be totalitarian hell."

The New (Pathologized) Totalitarianism Scam
"...They can run this schtick … well, pretty much forever, anytime the working classes get restless, or an unauthorized president gets elected, or just for the sheer sadistic fun of it.I’m not very hopeful. No one who understands the attraction (i.e., the seduction) of totalitarianism is. Much as we may not like to admit it, it is exhilarating, and liberating, being part of the mob, surrendering the burden of personal autonomy and individual responsibility, fusing with a fanatical “movement” that is ushering in a new “reality” backed by the sheer brute force of the state … or the transnational global capitalist empire."

The Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act [LEAD]Scam
"...At its core, the LEAD Act is an encryption killer. It aims to require technology companies to build ‘back doors’ into their products to ensure that the government can remotely access your data, your device, and your life.This is nothing short of earth shattering......."


Ad: More Freedom 4U?:The Problem Solver- Onebornfree's Personal Freedom Consulting


More "Food For Thought":“Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be "reformed"or "improved",simply because of their innate criminal nature.” onebornfree

Website recommendation. The Free Thought Project is probably the most consistently anti-cop website I've ever seen. The videos of cop abuse nationwide posted there are so sickening and anger inducing that its hard to view, even for myself, a long time cynic whose opinion of human behavior is already pretty low. So don't go there if you have a frail constitution.

Podcast: Onebornfree's Radio Interview On The Fabulous Fakeologist Radio Show [Show no. FAK 224]Saturday April 4th. 2020

The 9/11 Scam-The Faked "Live" MSM Imagery
Revealed! The computer-manufactured fraudulence all of the mainstream media’s original“live” footage broadcast on the morning of Sept.11th 2001.
My Music: Youtube music channel
My composition “Dreams [Matrix Blues]”performed solo,live at open mike.[YouTube]
In case you missed the blatant advertising above,  "Onebornfree" is also an Investment Philosophy Consultant,and, a Personal Freedom and Natural Health Consultant 

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com