Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts no. 40 - March 25th. 2018
"Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class." Albert J. Nock
"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic" H.L.Mencken
"My first rule- I don't believe anything the government tells me- nothing!- ZERO!" George Carlin
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually, they will believe it.” Adolf Hitler
obf disclaimer: links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of
The Trump "Make America Great Again" Scam:
[ obf sez:Mr Jeff Berwick lays out the bare figures in all their glory, along with Mr Trumps bare-faced hypocrisy/lies concerning the new government spending bill passed 032318]:
[obf sez: if you were "suckered" by Mr Trump, please see my predictive Dec. 2015{!} post on Trump, which lays out the reasons I knew even back then that he would fail to achieve what many thought he could, and would, and should:
You,Trump,Sanders Etc., Vs "Dictator Syndrome" ]
.....and, if you still don't "get it", please closely review the lyrics to my song/ video"Dreams [Matrix Blues]" at the bottom of this post.
The Privacy Scam:
The Driver License Scam:
"It’s said the best way to corral a feral hog is by steps......The first piece of fencing appeared when it became required to obtain a license to “drive” ..............Somehow – no debate was ever held, no vote ever taken – the government transmuted a right into a conditional privilege.....":
“Pinging” Us
The Driver License Scam:
"It’s said the best way to corral a feral hog is by steps......The first piece of fencing appeared when it became required to obtain a license to “drive” ..............Somehow – no debate was ever held, no vote ever taken – the government transmuted a right into a conditional privilege.....":
“Pinging” Us
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)/Vaccine Scam:
"If you wanted to buy a product…And the main researcher of the product was the company selling it to you…Would you automatically assume the product was safe and effective?..............This is exactly the situation with the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC).......":
CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest
The Facebook Scam:

"...........What started as a great thing to bring people together to communicate in an increasingly fragmented society has turned into an evil, Orwellian monstrosity feeding the power fantasies of the worst people on Wall St. and K Street. Facebook, Google and Twitter are the epicenter for The Culture War being foisted on us by the psychotic and the powerful. And their products have to be rejected for us to have any chance regaining control of the narratives that circumscribe our lives......":
Breaching the Public Trust – Facebook is the Beginning
"..Zuckerberg’s “trade-off” confirms Facebook’s long-suspected agenda: to take the platform away from first amendment principles, towards a European understanding of speech, in which elites determine what ordinary people can and cannot say, based on vague, flexible terms like “hate speech” and “fake news.”....................Now Zuckerberg wants to install himself as the ultimate gatekeeper, presiding over the speech and expression of the platform’s 2 billion users. In order to ensure “safety” and an “informed community,” he is going to decide what information is allowed to spread on the platform, and what information is going to be suppressed......":
Revealed: Mark Zuckerberg Wants to ‘Trade’ Free Speech for ‘Safety’ And ‘Having an Informed Community’
"....Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described as "surveillance companies." Their rebranding as "social media" is the most successful deception since the Department of War became the Department of Defense....":
Edward Snowden: Facebook Is A Surveillance Company Rebranded As "Social Media"
Edward Snowden: Facebook Is A Surveillance Company Rebranded As "Social Media"
The Google Scam:
"...the fact that Google helps the military build more efficient systems of surveillance and death shouldn't be surprising, especially not to Google employees. The truth is that Google has spent the last 15 years selling souped-up versions of its information technology to military and intelligence agencies, local police departments, and military contractors of all size and specialization — including outfits that sell predictive policing tech deployed in cities across America today..............":
Know Your History: Google Has Been a Military-Intel Contractor from the Very Beginning
The YouTube Scam:
"YouTube has announced that it is banning videos that show users how to manufacture or modify firearms, adding to its ban on videos that link to firearms sales, and as users find that their videos have been removed or their channels are being suspended, some are moving to PornHub and other alternative platforms to promote their content......":
As YouTube Ignores Child Exploitation, They Announce Ban on Millions of Gun Videos
The FDA/AMA/MD/Psychiatry Scam:
"...the doctors who prescribe these dangerous and highly harmful drugs are worse than street dealers. What street dealer would try to sell a drug to a parent for her one-year-old child?.....It falls, then, to parents to keep their babies miles away from brain-killing MDs who prescribe the drugs........":
How about life in prison for doctors who prescribe psychiatric drugs to toddlers?
The Social Credit Score Scam:
The " Free Market" Scam:
"....any seller of merchandise or services—from large corporations to small businesses to sole proprietors—should be able to sell or not sell any product or service to anyone they choose. Whether they choose to sell or not sell beer, wine, hard liquor, Absinthe, guns, ammunition, pornography, condoms, cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, birth control pills, sex toys, junk food, marijuana, hard drugs, raw milk, sneakers made in sweatshops, horse meat, foie gras, or foods high in trans fat or cholesterol should not be the concern of government......":
The Free Market at Work
The Google Scam:
"...the fact that Google helps the military build more efficient systems of surveillance and death shouldn't be surprising, especially not to Google employees. The truth is that Google has spent the last 15 years selling souped-up versions of its information technology to military and intelligence agencies, local police departments, and military contractors of all size and specialization — including outfits that sell predictive policing tech deployed in cities across America today..............":
Know Your History: Google Has Been a Military-Intel Contractor from the Very Beginning
The YouTube Scam:
"YouTube has announced that it is banning videos that show users how to manufacture or modify firearms, adding to its ban on videos that link to firearms sales, and as users find that their videos have been removed or their channels are being suspended, some are moving to PornHub and other alternative platforms to promote their content......":
As YouTube Ignores Child Exploitation, They Announce Ban on Millions of Gun Videos
The FDA/AMA/MD/Psychiatry Scam:
"...the doctors who prescribe these dangerous and highly harmful drugs are worse than street dealers. What street dealer would try to sell a drug to a parent for her one-year-old child?.....It falls, then, to parents to keep their babies miles away from brain-killing MDs who prescribe the drugs........":
How about life in prison for doctors who prescribe psychiatric drugs to toddlers?
The Social Credit Score Scam:
The " Free Market" Scam:
"....any seller of merchandise or services—from large corporations to small businesses to sole proprietors—should be able to sell or not sell any product or service to anyone they choose. Whether they choose to sell or not sell beer, wine, hard liquor, Absinthe, guns, ammunition, pornography, condoms, cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, birth control pills, sex toys, junk food, marijuana, hard drugs, raw milk, sneakers made in sweatshops, horse meat, foie gras, or foods high in trans fat or cholesterol should not be the concern of government......":
The Free Market at Work
Dream On?:
"Dreams, that governments will keep you free,
Dreams, that they ain't just war and slavery,
Dreams, of your god "democracy",
You keep dreaming of more enforced equality.....":
My Youtube channel[my music].
Other onebornfree blogs:
Onebornfree's 9/11 Research Review
Onebornfree's Financial Safety Reports
The Problem Solver [solving personal freedom issues]
"The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars." – H.L. Mencken
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” – Vladimir Lenin
“Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party.” – Joseph Stalin
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually, they will believe it.” – Joseph Goebbels
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret in tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” – Maximilien Robespierre
obf disclaimer: links to authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any the individuals or organizations concerned!
Most of the scams covered in this blog can also be viewed/commented on here.
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