Sunday, October 1, 2023

Onebornfree's Special Scam Alerts No.211- October 1st. 2023

obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!
Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com

Food For Thought:  

“If, as it seems we are, in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.” Philip K. Dick.                                

To Start Off, Dear Reader, A Graphic Reminder Of Exactly Where We All Are Right Now:

And Because "A Picture Says A Thousand Words":

[F.Y.I.: This blog is heavily "shadow-banned" by our glorious leaders at Alphabet/Google!]



The "It's All a Coincidence" Scam:

"Is all of this, and obviously so much more, coincidental? Is it all accidental? Can everything going on in this world happen most everywhere, and all simultaneously, by all different types of people and cultures, and still be considered natural? "

The "Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, RFK Jr. For President" Scams:

"[Or: one harsh fact of reality as to exactly why financially supporting, or promoting, or voting for either Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, RFK Jnr., is a complete waste of your time and money.]"

The "Government Shutdown" Scam:

"Barring a breakthrough, federal funding will lapse at midnight on Sept. 30, halting most government works but not all. Here is a list of all services that stop and what would still go on."

The "[Argentinian Presidential Candidate] Javier Milei Is A "Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitalist"" Scam:

"the 6 fatal words that prove that that Argentinian Presidential candidate Javier Milei Is NOT a "Libertarian/ Anarcho- Capitalist"!"

The Covid to Communism Scam:

"if you haven’t been vaccinated for Covid, then you know that the vaccine is much more dangerous than the virus. In fact, if you know anything about anything they put in vaccines today, then you know that Covid was just an excuse for ushering in communism in America, "

The "Internet Anonymity Should Be Illegal" Scam:

"if the decentralization is maintained while privacy is eliminated by way of an anonymity ban (be it state edict or public-private agreement), then the state can control whoever it wants to, just not to the extent that it did last century. Anonymity, therefore, must be defended if the state is to be weakened and ultimately dismantled."

Time For A Music Break! 
[i.e shameless self promotion time]
The “Trusted News Initiative” Scam:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it......It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

The "Reform The Welfare-Warfare State" Scam:

"But such reform efforts have never been about advancing liberty. That’s because liberty requires the removal of infringements on liberty, not the modification, improvement, or reform of infringements on liberty."

The Social Security Scam:

"Social Security has never been a program in which people have had their money taken from them and placed in a retirement account. Social Security has always been a plain welfare program, no different from food stamps, public housing, and welfare. People are taxed to fund welfare-state programs but their tax money is not saved for them until retirement. It is spent as soon as the government receives it. "

The January 6th "Insurrection" Scam:

"The J-6 prisoners are forced into “Covid Lockdowns”. Only the J-6 prisoners. A leper colony. Nazi Germany. Amerikan Fascism. "... "According to J6ers from inside the jail, they are being quarantined. They are not allowed visitors. They are also not allowed to move around the jail. Inmates are also not receiving recreational time. I am also learning that these defendants have not received religious services in months."

The Maui "Wildfires" Scam:

"Remember how the movie Contagion from 2011 almost perfectly mirrored the Plandemic of 2020? Or how the movie “White Noise” seemed to predict the East Palestine catastrophic train derailment? Well take a look at the 2016 episode of The Simpsons entitled “Monty Burns’ Fleeing Circus”. You’ll see a town attacked by laser-like beams that leave a deadly stream of fire in their wake, quickly incinerating an entire town."

The "The Virus's Exist, and The PCR Test Works" Scam [video]:

[obf sez: An excellent interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman, which uncovers the fraudulent science behind the entire virology scam, from viruses to virus tests]

The Governments Rent Control Scam

"Rent control is not the solution to the lack of affordable housing; it creates more problems than it solves. The best way to reduce housing costs would be to increase the housing supply; sadly, rent control works against this."

The Federal Reserve Scam:

"Ben Bernanke-The Greatest Inflator and Nobel Prize Winner!": 


Ad: The Great Economic and Investment Predictions Scam:

What's Next? Inflation?Another Global Plandemic? Bank Failures?, A Stock Market Boom? Stock Market Crash? Deflation? Hyper-Inflation ? A Dollar crash? 





So if nobody can reliably, consistently, predict the economic future, what can rhe individual do in light of this simple, yet hard to swallow, fact?  


Revealed! Lone 9/11 researcher  Simon Shack demonstrates, frame by frame, the "in yer face" computer-manufactured fraudulence of ALL  of the mainstream media’s original“live” footage broadcast on the morning of Sept.11th 2001.

Video: "Air Versus Skyscraper":
[obf sez: if above video doesn't play , here's a  current, but 
probably short-lived,



 Investment Philosophy Consultant, 

Personal Freedom Consultant, 

and a Natural Health/Fitness Consultant 


Podcast: Onebornfree's Last Covid-19 Radio Interview- On The Fabulous Fakeologist Radio Show [Show no. FAK 224]Saturday April 4th. 2020[Warning- some bad language!]

The Free Thought Project website is probably the most consistently anti-cop site I've ever seen. The videos of cop abuse nationwide posted there are so sickening and anger inducing that its hard to view, even for myself, a long time cynic whose opinion of human behaviour is already pretty low. So don't go there if you have a frail constitution.




obf disclaimer: links to any authors articles or videos are not necessarily full endorsements of all of the views/positions of any of the individuals or organizations concerned!

Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc. email: 

onebornfree at yahoo dot com


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